Kulturnyheter's review shows that several reputable auction houses in Sweden, including Bukowskis, sold works by the signatures Tom Moore and Alexander Vasilenko - artists who do not seem to exist in reality.

Although there is an artist named Tom Moore, he lives in Australia and has nothing to do with the art sold on the auction pages.

Bukowskis has reacted by reporting the incident to the police, and in their report it appears that the auction house during the period 2009 - 2018 sold 49 Tom Moore and 47 Alexander Vasilenko to a value of 207,675 SEK.

The price range has been between 300 - 7500 SEK.

Closed police report

But the police at the fraud department in the Stockholm region have closed the case because there is no evidence that the sellers wanted to deceive those who bought the scams.

- At present, I judge that I can not move on.

There may be information that could indicate an intent, but I do not have it, says preliminary investigation leader Linus Karlsson.