The Citizen Assembly that



to choose its new leader is astracanada.

Suffice it to describe a scene that occurred yesterday to publicize the absurdity and ridicule perpetrated: while one of the candidates to lead the party criticized the course and management of recent years, a large part of the attendees whistled, booed and shouted "traitor", "Spokesman" or "scoundrel."

"Long live freedom of expression in this party," the candidate was able to answer correctly.

or not official.

Because this is another of the great lies that Unidos Podemos has tried to sell to public opinion: that Vistalegre IV is a free participatory process, when we are before the umpteenth


In the organization. In fact, from this pantomime we do know some certainties: who will prevail in the vote and who will be rolled. And although the hard core of Iglesias insists on decoupling it from the result, it is known their propensity to leave everything tied to reward their own and punish the rest, but Podemos faces more serious debates than trying to present itself as a transparent party after so much obscurantism. It is in precipitous decline. After years of nourishing himself with a social illusion fueled by populism, his governmental journey has revealed his ineptitude, not only in management, but even in propaganda, a field in which he was an expert. The enthusiasm that once aroused in people has died down. And with him, the future of a party that was born giving it away as a young man is increasingly disappearing,but from which always emanated a smell of mothballs.

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