[Rural Revitalization] Lanzhou farmers and entrepreneurs have planted trees at their own expense for 30 years: two to three million trees are spread all over the "stone mountain"

  [Concurrent] Zhu Peiying, a villager of Jiuchiquan Village, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City

  In the past, the mountains in our village were bare. As soon as the sheep and animals passed by, dust was raised. Every time there was a heavy rain and the water was first-rate, the soil was brought down the mountain.

  [Explanation] Zhu Peiying is a villager in Jiuchiquan Village, Xiguoyuan Town, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. He has a deep memory of the harsh environment of the village in the past.

Recently, the reporter visited Jiuchiquan Village on the spot. What is surprising is that the hill where the village is located is lined with trees. From the aerial perspective, it is more obvious with the surrounding hills, and there is no mark of the former barren hills.

But this change was planted by a farmer entrepreneur at his own expense.

  Thirty years ago, Fang Zhenglong, a villager in Chiquan Village, worked hard in the construction industry and became a well-known local household with 10,000 yuan. When he saw the desolate hillside and rolling stones falling from time to time, he germinated the idea of ​​planting trees.

  [Concurrent] Fang Zhenglong, a villager of Jiuchiquan Village, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City

  I started planting trees in 1993. I dug (picked up) the next tree on my construction site. I pulled it here to plant it. It didn't count as the cost, as long as the tree was alive.

  [Explanation] Fang Zhenglong told reporters that when the tree was first planted, there were also different voices. Some villagers believed that planting trees prevented the sheep from going up the mountain to eat grass.

Fang Zhengming, who lives in the same village as Fangzhenglong, said that in the past, villagers used to graze sheep on the mountains, resulting in the absence of vegetation throughout the year, the exposed slopes, and even the water level of the wells are falling.

  [Concurrent] Fang Zhengming, a villager of Jiuchiquan Village, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City

  (Previously) mules and sheep ate (mountains) so that there was no grass, no grass, no water, and people couldn’t eat water. Later, (Fang Zhenglong) led us to plant trees. Now it’s better, there is water, and the mountains are green. .

  [Explanation] Following Fang Zhenglong's repeated insistence, there were green trees in the barren hills, and the villagers gradually understood Fang Zhenglong and participated in the tree planting team.

  [Concurrent] Fang Zhenglong, a villager of Jiuchiquan Village, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City

  After a few years of planting, the villagers also support me very much. Every year (I) pull the tree, choose two persons in charge, and start planting the tree. Just like this depression, if the water can’t be watered, they put up buckets and water them one by one. , To pour until the end of the year, to receive wages at the company, you do not pay wages, voluntary tree planting is not acceptable, villagers still have children to go to school, etc., but also spend money.

  [Explanation] In 30 years, Fang Zhenglong estimated that two or three hundred thousand trees have been planted.

He told reporters that he was very happy walking in the mountains, watching the forests and listening to the birds chirping.

  [Concurrent] Fang Zhenglong, a villager of Jiuchiquan Village, Xiguoyuan Town, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City

  Now I estimate (planting trees) two to three million (trees) of trees, and I basically plant more than ten thousand (trees) every year. I estimate that in another ten years, this place can be said to be a forest.

(Next) Plant some ornamental trees, such as flowering ornamental trees such as crabapple and hawthorn. Thinking about my village, I will develop tourism (development) in the future.

  [Explanation] Under the selfless dedication of Fang Zhenglong, earth-shaking changes have taken place in Jiuchiquan Village, and he himself has successively won the honorary titles of "Good Man in Lanzhou", "Top Ten People of the Year in Poverty Alleviation in Gansu" and "Pride of Long People".

  Ai Qinglong, Cui Lin reports from Lanzhou, Gansu

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]