A survey in Guangzhou reveals-

  why young people in big cities don't want to get married

  "Is it not good to live alone?" Recently, due to the pandemic in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Chen Xiaomo did not go anywhere in the school after 00. In addition to class, she played games in the dormitory. Her roommates were almost like this "single". "State, can't be interested in going out of the dormitory to have a relationship.

  In recent years, my country's fertility rate decline has received great attention.

Correspondingly, my country's marriage rate has declined since 2013, and marriage registrations have continued to decline from a historical high of 13.47 million pairs in 2013 to 8.13 million pairs in 2020.

Judging from the differences in different provinces, the more developed the economy, the lower the marriage rate.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, from a national perspective, the marriage rate in 2018 was only 7.2‰, a record low in the past 10 years.

  Recently, the Guangzhou Social Situation and Public Opinion Research Center launched a special poll to analyze the differences in attitudes of different groups from the perspectives of marriage and childbirth, and from the perspectives of age, gender, and income. 1,000 Guangzhou citizens were randomly interviewed by telephone.

  66% of the interviewees agree with the statement that “if you don’t have a suitable marriage partner, it’s good not to get married.” 72% of the interviewees believe that “young people’s traditional concepts such as'passing on the lineage' and “more children and happiness” are becoming more and more popular. light".

  Most of the interviewees said that marriage is not inevitable. More people pay attention to themselves and do not want to get married, and the concept of fertility is getting weaker and weaker.

  "I like him/her, but I don't want to get married right now." "I'm still young. There are more important things that I need to do than marriage." "I don't have the confidence to maintain a stable marriage." "When we get married, I need to buy a house and a car. I don’t have money yet, so I should get rid of poverty first, then get rid of the single"...This is the true mentality of many young people working hard in Guangzhou. They are not in a hurry to get married and have children, let alone take this as a "must choice" in life.

  Prior to this, Li Jianxin, a professor of the Department of Sociology at Peking University, said in an interview with the media, “The traditional concept of marriage and childbirth, which is early marriage and early childbearing, multiple children and blessings, and inheritance has become history. The individualistic view of marriage and childbearing is replacing the old familial view of marriage and childbearing. ."

  The 29-year-old Zhuang Qinli is a civil servant in Guangzhou. He started to provide his own house after graduation, but he has not considered getting married and having children.

He told reporters that he is usually busy at work, but after work, he goes to the gym and then goes home to cook a meal. The small days are calm and fulfilling.

"I don't want to break this beauty because of the cumbersome things after marriage." He said.

  In Zhuang Qinli’s view, it’s really not easy for young people to work in first-tier cities. Even after many years of graduation, they may not be able to afford a house and a car. There is an "unwritten" agreement to get married-there is a house and a car. It also increases the burden on parents who are entering old age.

"Why do we have to have a house and a car to get married and have children?" His confusion is also the confusion of most young people.

  With the continuous development of society, more and more young people pay attention to pursuing their personal self-life, worrying that their children will affect their future lives and do not want to have children.

The survey shows that “more and more young people enjoy the current life style, thinking that they will lose their original life after giving birth” and “more and more young people are pursuing personal careers and thinking that their careers will be affected after giving birth”. Half of the interviewed citizens said "agree", the proportions were 54% and 52% respectively.

  "We both contributed our salaries to the tuition institution." After the 90s, Wu Linlin and her husband both work in foreign companies and have a pair of lovely children.

Recently, after the three-child policy was liberalized, relatives lobbied them that with such good financial conditions, they should have a third child while they were young.

The two of them categorically refused.

She sighed that apart from work, bringing children is the biggest burden.

All kinds of tuition classes cost a lot of money, ranging from a few hundred yuan per lesson to two to three thousand yuan.

They often dreamed that if two people didn't want children, then life would be more comfortable and leisurely, and there would be a lot less unnecessary quarrels.

  Services related to childbirth and childcare have been in short supply for a long time, and the fees are expensive. In addition, dual-worker families have limited time to take care of children and the elderly are tired of taking care of children. Parenting problems and cost pressures continue to increase.

  As early as 2013, the Guangzhou Social Situation and Public Opinion Research Center conducted a related survey and found that nearly 90% (89%) of the interviewed citizens think that the cost of raising children is "expensive", and over 60% (67%) think that "raising more children will be expensive". Lowering the family’s living standards” and worried.

Although the country has stepped up its efforts in the development of social childcare services such as childcare and childcare in recent years, in the eyes of citizens, the problem of high pressure on childcare costs has not been effectively improved.

  According to the latest survey, over 70% (76%) of the interviewed citizens agreed with “because of the high cost and high cost of raising children, more and more young people do not want to have children”.

The analysis found that the cost of childcare has greatly affected more and more young people’s unwillingness to have children. There is a consensus in society that people of different ages and different income levels say "agree" with the above statement.

It can be seen that many citizens' worries about the cost of childcare have gradually turned into reality, and this has become one of the important reasons why more and more people are unwilling to have children.

  As the main force of future fertility, young women's concepts of "no marriage", "fewer births" and "no births" have become more prominent, which has gradually become a trend in recent years.

Women aged 30 and below almost unanimously agree that “if you don’t have a suitable marriage partner, it’s good not to get married”, the proportion is 93%, much higher than the 66% of young men.

  For many "single" women, they are afraid of "returning to poverty after marriage", "loss of freedom", and "care for giant babies"... Originally, marriage was to allow two people to grow, accompany and support each other.

However, in the process of socialization, the cost of marriage is greater than it brings: loss of personal boundaries, extremely high cost of raising offspring, etc.

  Different from traditional women's "family and child-centered" attitude, young women pay more attention to personal self-life.

  The survey shows that young women agree more with "more and more young people enjoy the current life style, thinking that they will lose their original life after giving birth" and "more and more young people are pursuing personal careers, thinking that their careers will be affected after giving birth. "The "agree" ratio is 68% and 75% respectively, which is about 15% higher than women of other age groups.

  Marriage and fertility are closely related, although there are many factors that affect young people’s fertility.

But in China, the impact of marriage or not on fertility is more direct.

At the moment, the high divorce rate also makes many young people afraid of marriage, leading to their lack of desire to establish a family.

In the eyes of experts, this is an abnormal phenomenon, and even a thing that is not optimistic for the society.

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Lin Jie Source: China Youth Daily