The authorities in Guadeloupe recently alerted the local population to an increase in the risk of fatal yellowing of the palm tree, for which no cure exists.

The disease is also called

Candidatus phytoplasma palmae


It originates from the phytoplasma, a bacterium which also attacks coconut palms.

The presence of this organism was detected on April 19 in Sainte-Anne, reports

Guadeloupe la Première


An incubation period that lasts 6 to 10 months usually follows infection of a plant.


The #phytoplasma has just been discovered for the 1st time in #Guadeloupe in a private domain in #SainteAnne & is responsible for the fatal yellowing of the #palm tree

The #disease attacks several species of the palm family including the # coconut trees

ℹ️https: //

- Prefect of Guadeloupe (@ Prefet971) June 7, 2021

Serious consequences for the environment and the economy

The next stage is the manifestation of the symptoms of

Candidatus phytoplasma palmae


Affected trees lose their coconuts, their leaves turn yellow and drooping, and the flowers or buds show signs of scorching and necrosis.

The general condition of palmaceae deteriorates and they eventually die.

Death occurs 3 to 5 months after the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

Large trees are more vulnerable.

The disappearance of infected palm and coconut trees harms biodiversity: in addition to environmental damage, the fatal yellowing of the palm tree is therefore also likely to have an impact on Guadeloupe's major tourist industry.

Sectors dependent on palmaceae, such as the production of coconut oil and coconut water, are also weakened if the disease spreads.

The latter is favored by the tools used to prune trees and by a microscopic insect called

Haplaxius crudus


Its larvae living in the roots of herbaceous plants, they shelter easily and in number in the grass for example.


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  • Environment

  • Tree

  • Planet

  • Bacterium

  • Disease

  • Guadeloupe