[Explanation] In the examination room, the competition is the accumulation and exertion of the children's knowledge. Outside the examination room, the parents who accompany the test have different expressions, some laugh to relieve the candidates, and there are anxiety of watching the children enter the examination room, and their expressions have their own warmth. On the one hand, on June 8, a reporter from the China News Agency used the camera to record this emoji story.

  [Explanation] In the afternoon of the same day, the reporter saw at the test center of the 13th Middle School in Nanjing that some were sitting and chatting with their parents or sitting on the ground while others were leaning on the stone pillars of the pavilion and looking around.

On both sides of the road outside the examination room, parents who accompany the examination can be seen everywhere.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, the candidate's parent

  (My spouse and I) got up at 6:40 in the morning. Of course, I was nervous. The exam is very important, and I am afraid that there will be problems with the child (during the exam).

  [Explanation] Li Ming told reporters that he and his lover ran a restaurant. During the college entrance examination, they temporarily put aside their work and "fight" with their children.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, the candidate's parent

  It is also a kind of test for us, and it is often in learning (related knowledge), including how to fill in the volunteers in the later stage, and we must also do some understanding in the early stage.

Don't be nervous about whether your child's scores are good or bad.

  [Commentary] Li Ming said that the road to accompany the test is not easy. He hopes that the child's "dream-catching road" will not be alone, and that no matter how difficult it is, it will be solved.

  [Concurrent] Li Ming, the candidate's parent

  Her (love) waist is not very good, so I bought her a chair nearby to sit down, (considering the long waiting time?) Yes, we are waiting here, and it feels like time is passing very slowly. (In my heart) A lot of worries, parents have this feeling.

  [Explanation] There are also parents who believe that it is very important to maintain a normal state of mind, which can not only make you feel comfortable, but also pass this good mood to your children.

  [Concurrent] Candidate's parents Raleigh

  Don't infect (pass) your nervous emotions to your children, otherwise it will cause a kind of artificial nervousness.

Therefore, parents can keep their children calm.

  [Explanation] Raleigh said that he took the college entrance examination in 1993, and the scene at that time is still vivid.

Now, he tells his children how he feels, cheers and encourages them.

  [Concurrent] Candidate's parents Raleigh

  28 years ago, when I entered the examination room, I went to the examination room by myself.

I also tell my children, keep calm, just treat it as a (normal) exam, don’t be nervous.

  [Explanation] When the candidates walk out of the school, the parents who have been waiting for a long time will always smile and send a warm blessing.

  [Concurrent] Candidates

  After taking the exam, I hope I can get into the ideal university.

  Reporter Ge Yong reports from Nanjing, Jiangsu

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】