[100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China] Hebei Women's Creation of Veterans Series Wood Carvings Salutes Revolutionary Predecessors

  [Explanation] Zhang Manyu, born in 1991, is the fifth-generation heir of Zhang's wood carving in Zanhuang County, Hebei Province.

Recently, she used her spare time to create a series of wood carvings for veterans, to pay tribute to Zanhuang's combat heroes.

On June 8, the reporter met Zhang Manyu in Beima Village, Zanhuang County.

According to Zhang Manyu, her ancestors were all engaged in wood carving industry. She was influenced by her family since she was a child and was very interested in wood carving.

After graduating from high school, she chose to inherit her family education.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Manyu, the inheritor of Zhang's woodcarving in Zanhuang County

  At the beginning, the folks around me didn't understand, they felt that I didn't like to work, I was so lazy, I just thought about the pie in the sky, and got a bunch of rotten wood back to make money.

But after they got to know it for a long time, they now feel that they are doing this very well. They send their sons and grandchildren over to me as an apprentice to learn this craft.

  [Explanation] By chance, Zhang Manyu learned that Zanhuang County is an old revolutionary base area, and many heroes have emerged.

Zhang Manyu was very shocked when he heard the deeds of these veterans for the first time.

She had an idea to use wooden sculptures to make statues of these veterans, so she began to collect information to prepare for creation.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Manyu, the inheritor of Zhang's woodcarving in Zanhuang County

  I collect the stories of revolutionary heroes, and I will take some of my apprentices, including my daughters, to let them learn about these revolutionary heroes and learn from these revolutionary heroes their patriotic spirit in the process of collecting stories.

  [Explanation] In order to collect information on the deeds of the veterans, Zhang Manyu traveled to nearly 200 villages in Zanhuang County, visited nearly a thousand people, and collected a lot of information including pictures.

After careful conception and careful sculpting, Zhang Manyu has created more than 30 works.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Manyu, the inheritor of Zhang's woodcarving in Zanhuang County

  The veteran I carved is a veteran of Emperor Zan. His name is Zhang Jifa and he participated in the battle of Shangganling.

After I heard his story at the time, I was very moved and touched my heart very much, so I carved out his youthful appearance. After carving out, I wanted to influence the next generation, because without their struggle at the time, There is no such thing as our current happy life.

  [Explanation] It is understood that, on the basis of inheriting the traditional hand-carving method, Zhang Manyu has enriched and innovated from the use of knives, image depiction to lacquer pushing, making the traditional woodcarving lines smoother and richer in content.

In 2020, Zhang's woodcarving in Zanhuang County was selected as the eighth batch of municipal intangible cultural heritage projects in Shijiazhuang.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Manyu, the inheritor of Zhang's woodcarving in Zanhuang County

  I have now collected more than 1,000, including good people and deeds of the people like the emperor, revolutionary heroes, and some folk customs.

I want to use my spare time to make them all in the way of wood carving, and then use them to educate the next generation.

  Reporter Ai Guangde reports from Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Editor in charge: [Chen Haifeng]