Before the college entrance examination, Xiao Han, a candidate in Yancheng, Jiangsu, suffered from an accidental traffic accident and injured his left calf and foot. He was cast in a cast and could only sit in a wheelchair.

On June 7, examinee Xiao Han got on a special police car and arrived at the test site.

Subsequently, the special police "Princess Hug" sent the examinee Xiao Han to the examination room on the third floor.

  Ge Ao, captain of the Wolf Squadron of the Patrol Special Police Brigade of Xiangshui County Public Security Bureau, Yancheng City, introduced that there were two candidates with leg injuries in Xiangshui this year. During the three-day college entrance examination time, the Special Patrol Brigade arranged 6 police officers and two police cars every day. Specially responsible for picking up the two candidates and sending them to the examination room to ensure that they take the college entrance examination smoothly.

(Chen Dongping Gu Ximu Guhua produced Zhang Chuanming)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】