Spreading positive energy, everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high (cultural life in the digital age)

  With the empowerment of digital technology, those valuable and moving good content can break through the fixed audiences of a single medium, gain the greatest degree of dissemination and attention, and achieve the positive effect of "network gathering people's hearts" and "positive energy becoming large traffic"

  A few days ago, in a short video shot at Beijing Daxing Airport, a cute kid saluted the armed police uncle, and received a solemn return from the armed police uncle, which touched many netizens.

  The advancement of communication technology has brought about an increase in the geometric progression of information.

Some people say that the information on the Internet is uneven and difficult to distinguish. It is inevitable that it will follow the crowd and people will also follow the cloud. In fact, it is not always the case.

Technological progress has given people more space for information choices, and people's choices are also promoting information dissemination.

From the perspective of communication effects, events and topics that are full of positive energy for the truth and goodness can often arouse people's general attention and are very popular.

  Technological progress has set up more stage for "warm news".

In the past, news and information dissemination channels as public resources were limited, and the technical cost of digging, salvaging, and disseminating these stories was high. It was often "moving things happen all the time without knowing it" or "our personal experience, I have heard and witnessed, but I can only put it in my heart."

After the popularization of mobile Internet technology, it has become the norm to shoot and watch at any time, and real stories with vivid details are efficiently and continuously disseminated in new media.

Warm news, such as family moments, neighbors helping each other, and strangers’ loving actions, enter people’s eyes with high frequency.

For example, to help an injured boy urgently seek medical treatment in a remote place, the airport, flight crew, and hospital closely cooperated to race against time.

With the relay record of many shots, the rescue process can be presented in real time.

People learn about the rescue process through video clips and graphic content, and their hearts are moved by it, and emotions resonate with it, and temperature makes heat.

  The social nature of the new media makes the "warm news" stage not only a one-dimensional "you speak and I listen", but also increases the interaction and co-creation between creators and audiences.

The social function of the emerging content platform effectively gathers social perceptions, and the needs and voices of the audiences "point questions" and "lead the way" for creators. The two sides created a sequel to more touching stories.

Ten years ago, an old man who had gone through a bumpy life with a relative passed away raised his arm in an interview with a TV program and said forcefully: "Look forward!" One after another left messages to care about the current situation of the uncle's life.

After the host learned about it, he went through the difficulties and found the uncle. He found that he had used hard work in exchange for a stable life and built a new house with the help of the government.

The old man's optimistic and sunny attitude towards life has attracted people's praise.

  Digital technology "networks" all kinds of media, and continuously realizes the "cross-border" and "broken circle" spread of warm news.

At the end of 2018, when veteran Zhang Fuqing was collecting information on retired soldiers, he only showed his military merits that had been sealed for more than 60 years.

His heroic deeds have been meticulously reported by the paper media, and the effect of dissemination is remarkable.

A "Certificate of Meritorious Service" quickly spread across the Internet, triggering secondary processing and multiple dissemination of various network media.

Simultaneously shared online and offline, the heroic deeds of "hiding deep merits and fame" set off an upsurge of paying tribute to veterans in the society.

With the empowerment of digital technology, those valuable and moving high-quality content can break through the fixed audiences of a single medium, gain the greatest degree of dissemination and attention, and achieve the positive effect of "network gathering people's hearts" and "positive energy becoming large traffic".

  Of course, the dissemination of information on the Internet is complex and diverse. There are also a small number of people who take the express train of technological development, sell anxiety, hype false information, and even appear "the first picture, the content depends on editing" phenomenon.

In response to this phenomenon, in addition to the supervision of the relevant departments in accordance with the law and the strengthening of self-discipline on the platform, it is also necessary to spread truth, goodness and beauty in novel ways to make the positive energy stronger and make the living space of information "bad currency" smaller and smaller.

  The positive energy atmosphere of the Internet is showing a positive trend of "everyone gathering firewood with high flames".

This shows that while digital technology and Internet technology promote information aggregation, they are also gathering people's hearts.

"Warm News" keeps "screening", showing the general consensus of today's society: integrity and kindness are the most precious quality; unremitting struggle leads to a happy life.

This also reveals to us that the digital age is also a beautiful life with affection, love and warmth.

  Zhang Mingse