The M6 ​​channel is launching a new program, "Call for witnesses", the aim of which is to advance "cold cases" by appealing to the memory of viewers, in collaboration with the Ministries of the Interior and of Justice.

Europe 1 explains how the M6 ​​channel and the gendarmerie worked.

"In France, nearly two thousand people each year disappear in an unexplained way and more than 300 criminal cases remain unsolved", proclaims the trailer for the program 

Call for witnesses

. M6 is launching its new show this Monday evening, which aims to help viewers to try to solve cold cases. Europe 1 received the producer Jean-Marie Goix and General Fabrice Bouillie, head of the central criminal intelligence service of the National Gendarmerie. The program is actually produced in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice. They explained to us how the journalists from M6 and the gendarmerie collaborated.


To read also

: M6 will launch "Call for witnesses", a participatory program on cold cases

A call room run by gendarmes and police

The program will include factual reminders and a "call room", a call room, to collect potential testimonies, as well as reports from the field. The call piece, which will be on the set, will be "held, -and this is important because it is the respect of the secrecy of the instruction-, by police officers and gendarmes. Not by switchboard operators of M6 or journalists ", presents Jean-Marie Goix. "There will be an area with experts who will tell you everything they have done for so many years on the three cases that we are going to address this (Monday) evening and they will launch the calls for witnesses themselves and are going to address the camera.Finally, there is the zone of the families who are there because for them and for them, it is a little thelast-ditch surgery tonight. "

Three cases will be dealt with this Monday evening live: the Lucas Tronche case, who disappeared in Bagnols-sur-Cèze in the Gard on March 18, 2015, that of Gaëlle Fosset in April 2007 in Saint-Germain-la-Campagne in the Eure , and the disappearance of Suzanne Bourlier in July 2015 in Lamotte-Beuvron in the Loir-et-Cher.

"The police and the gendarmerie came with between five and ten stories. We investigated them because we, our main problem was that the families agree to participate in a total, voluntary way, without being forced. And we fell. on these three stories. "

"Not here to do sensationalism"

For each reminder of the facts concerning these cases, there will be no reconstitutions, for the sake of families in particular.

"We are not here to make the sensational, but simply to reactivate memories", underlines General Fabrice Bouillie.

In addition, "the fact of bringing up the files without having to be 'influenced' by the reconstruction of a crime scene, for example, will allow memories, precisely, to be as objective as possible".

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If the calls "are considered very important, at that moment there is a switch system which allows the operator on the set to transfer the call to a supervisor who is behind the scenes, which one does not will not see and who will question the viewer at greater length, "adds the producer of the show.

Special envoys to "show the places"

Also present will be Emmanuelle Masson, spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice, Eric Maurel, public prosecutor of Nîmes, Frédéric Chevalier, public prosecutor of Blois, Lola Menahem, judicial police commissioner, Eric Berot, head of the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons (OCRVP).

There will also be special envoys on site, such as Laurent Valdiguié.

"We did not do the reports with the police and the gendarmerie. We did our work ourselves, we went to see the families," says Jean-Marie Goix.

The interest of these reports, he explains, is to "show the scene" of the affair: "The story in which we will find Laurent is an unsolved crime. A young girl of 21 years found at home, stabbed 66 times. It takes place in a small residence and we think it is interesting to show this residence on television. That is why we go there. "

The investigation teams "will listen with great attention to the program"

In addition, the show will feature the testimony of Lucas Tronche's brother, who agrees to do so in public for the first time, as well as a composite portrait that was never broadcast in the Bourlier affair. Thus, all these reports, documents and potential testimonies have a strong interest for the investigating teams: "This is the whole point of this program: that we re-examine the memories, provoke new hearings, new testimonies, which will perhaps allow certain working hypotheses to reappear and regain vitality ", affirms Fabrice Bouillie, who will himself be on the stage. "All our investigation teams are mobilized and will listen to the program with great attention."

Viewers can call the toll free number: 0 800 10 11 21. The switchboard will be secure. An email address is also available: