Every day in "Historically yours", the presenter Stéphane Bern and the historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach compete in a historical and unusual quiz.

Would you be able to face them?

To find out, we have concocted thematic quizzes based on the questions asked every day to our two specialists.

The history of France in ten questions.

Marie Curie, Napoléon, the universal exhibitions… Answer the questions that made our brain racket and laugh our presenter Stéphane Bern and our historian Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach in the sequence "Bern to be alive", every day in 

Historically yours

, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Europe 1.

>> Find "Bern to be alive" in replay and podcast here

Can you do as well as them? 

  • In 1767, Jeanne Barret was the first French woman to ...

  • Which Francis died the youngest?

  • Pierre and Marie Curie had a daughter: Irène Joliot Curie.

    But who was Frédéric Joliot, before becoming her husband?

  • Who is Vincent Crochon?

    3 proposals - the man who invented the chain loom - the man who invented the modern speculum - the real name of Vincent Cassel

  • At the 1900 Olympic Games in Paris, there was a long jump event on horseback.

    True or false ?

  • Did Father Pierre live long enough to register on Facebook?

  • In 1981, François Mitterrand became the 4th President of the 5th Republic.

    He did not count any male midwife among his constituents.

    True or false ?

  • Who said this line of revolting misogyny: "It is important in a century where women forget the feeling of their inferiority to remind them frankly of the submission they owe to the man who will become the arbiter of their destiny? "?

  • In 1889, it was the Universal Exhibition in Paris.

    The Eiffel Tower welcomes its very first visitors.

    Among them, Buffalo Bill.

    True or false ?

  • If in Paris, in the 1st arrondissement, you go to the Halles district, you can stroll in the rue du Pélican.

    It was under Saint-Louis a high place of prostitution.

    What was this alley called at that time?

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