On June 4th, on the eve of the 50th World Environment Day, in the classroom of Zehua Primary School in Yintan, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, "Tweeting" appeared black-tailed prairie dogs, curly spiders, mane lizards, A group of land and marine animals such as ferrets, jellyfish, hawksbill turtles, snapping turtles, etc., were welcoming guests at the temporary school "zoo" that day.

It is reported that this is the "Science Popularization on Campus and Exploring the Mysteries of Life" activity jointly organized by the school and the local ocean park. The children have close observation and interaction with the cute little animals, not only learning knowledge that is not in the textbook, but also Understand that human beings must live in harmony with nature, and protecting the environment means protecting ourselves.

(Reporter Cui Lin produces Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]