[Explanation] Shanxi Xingxian County is an old revolutionary base area. During the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War, it was the seat of the Jinsui Branch of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Jinsui Border District Government, and the headquarters of the Jinsui Military Region during the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War.

From June 2nd to 5th, the web theme activity of "Reading the original mission here-Internet media revolution in the old district" (Shanxi Station) is going on. More than 40 media representatives from the central and local major news websites walked into the old district of Xingxian.

  65-year-old Wang Zuo'e and his wife live in Huazi Village, Kangning Township, Xing County. Huazi Village was once one of the poorest villages in the county. Before 2017, the old couple lived on farming. Because of their low income, their wife had to work abroad for a long time.

  [Concurrent] Liu Lei, Deputy Mayor of Kangning Town, Xing County

  Young people all go out to work, and only the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled are left in the village.

The main source of income is planting, with a single planting variety, mainly corn and small grains.

  [Explanation] In 2016, Liu Lei was selected to serve as the first secretary of Huazi Village. He and village officials went to various places in and outside the province to study and study. After discussing with the village committee, he began to develop various village-level industries in the village.

  [Concurrent] Liu Lei, Deputy Mayor of Kangning Town, Xing County

  In the original greenhouse planting base in Huazi Village, high-value economic fruits were introduced, and 3000 cherries, 3,160 Yulu fragrant pears, and 35,000 grapes were planted to develop and strengthen the collective economy of the village and lead the village to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Villagers increase their income through three methods: land transfer, employment, and dividends.

  [Explanation] In 2016, Huazi Village started construction of an agricultural-optical complementary power station, which can generate 500,000 yuan in annual income.

  [Concurrent] Liu Lei, Deputy Mayor of Kangning Town, Xing County

  Platycodon grandiflorum, a traditional Chinese medicinal material, is planted under the agricultural-photovoltaic complementary power station, realizing two-way benefits from photovoltaic power generation and Chinese medicinal material planting.

Our photovoltaics are distributed through three distribution methods. The first is the implementation of small public welfare undertakings in the village; the second is that the masses obtain labor remuneration through labor, such as environmental sanitation cleaning, tap water management and protection, etc., hire poor households for public welfare Work and receive wages; the third is through rewards and subsidies. Civilized households and individuals in the village are selected and commended each year to provide condolences and assistance to college students in need, widows, and lonely elderly people.

  [Explanation] In 2018, Huazi Village renovated the old houses in the village, and the old cave dwellings of Wang Zuo'e and the old couple were also renovated. They now live in spacious houses. In addition to farming, they can also get dividends from the village collective. , The old couple brewed hand-made vinegar and sold it in the village, and lived a peaceful life.

While renovating old houses, Huazi Village has also carried out beautiful rural construction. Infrastructure transformation, coal-to-gas conversion, road hardening, and spiritual life have been enriched. Huazi Village has become a local beautiful and livable demonstration village.

  [Concurrent] Liu Lei, Deputy Mayor of Kangning Town, Xing County

  The per capita income of villagers increased from 3,200 yuan in 2014 to 10,000 yuan by the end of 2020.

  Qu Lixia and Wu Junjie report from Luliang, Shanxi

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]