The interest in "Capitalism" by Karl Marx, a thinker who analyzed the mechanism of capitalism about 150 years ago, has increased, and related books have become popular.

Publishers and others believe that the background is that social issues such as economic disparity and environmental destruction are becoming more conscious in the Corona disaster.

"Capitalism" is a book published by German thinker Karl Marx in 1867, and is a sharp analysis of the problems involved in unraveling the mechanism of capitalism, which affects the subsequent economic system. Gave.

According to publishers, interest in this "capitalist theory" has increased in the midst of the corona, and books that explain the contents and related books on the theme of capitalist society are attracting attention.

Of these, Kohei Saito's "Capitalism" by Associate Professor Kohei Saito of Osaka City University, published last September, is about global warming and economic growth in capitalism, which puts a load on the global environment and pursues economic growth. He argues that it is difficult to resolve the disparity, and has become an exceptional best seller of 300,000 copies.

Associate Professor Saito said, "While capitalism has brought about affluence, its harmful effects have become more apparent, and there is a worldwide movement to seek a sustainable society. I think more and more people are taking the problem as their own. "

In addition to this, there are a series of related books such as "Capital Theory as a Weapon" that carefully explains the contents of "Capital Theory" and "Bullshit Jobs" that critically analyzes the way labor should be in modern society. It was published in Japan and is gaining popularity as a special feature section is set up in bookstores.

A person in charge at a major bookstore in Tokyo said, "I am very surprised by the response, especially among young people. Disparities and environmental deterioration are imminent problems, and I think there is a feeling and awareness that the society as it is is okay." I was talking.

"Warming" and "gap" in the background of attention

It has been pointed out that global warming has various effects around the world, such as large-scale forest fires, abnormally high temperatures, and large hurricanes.

In Siberia, Russia, the temperature became abnormally high, such as observing 38 degrees Celsius, which is considered to be the highest ever in the Arctic Circle last year. It is said that greenhouse gases may be emitted.

In Australia, it is estimated that 33 people were killed in a large forest fire that broke out between September and February last year, and that 3 billion wild animals were damaged, including the burning of koalas.

The United Nations calls for the need to curb emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and keep the world's average temperature rise within 1.5 degrees Celsius in order to prevent the serious damage caused by global warming.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, "The world is heading for a catastrophic temperature rise of 3 to 5 degrees Celsius during this century. Reconciliation with nature must be a priority for everyone and everywhere. It must not be done, "he said, calling for stronger measures.

The problem of global economic disparity is also serious.

As of 2019, Oxfam, an international NGO working on global poverty, has more than 2,100 wealthy people with assets of more than $ 1 billion, accounting for about 60% of the world's total population. We have compiled a report that allegedly exceeded the total wealth of 4.6 billion people.

In 2011, protests by young Americans calling for the elimination of economic disparities were carried out all over the United States, and protests were raised all over the world, and widening disparities has become a global social problem.