Over 150 million!

There is a big outbreak of butterflies in Yunnan, netizens: This wave will need about 150,000 fragrant concubines!

  Author: Wang Jingya

Have you seen butterflies flying all over the sky?

I believe many people’s answers are yes,

What if it is... 150 million together?

  The picture shows tourists walking in the forest surrounded by butterflies.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  Recently, the "China·Red River Butterfly Valley" scenic spot located in Maandi Township, Jinping County, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, ushered in the largest butterfly outbreak in 10 years. More than 150 million butterfly babies will emerge into butterflies within one month. , The scene is spectacular.

  The picture shows tourists photographing groups of butterflies.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

#Yunnan butterfly big outbreak#

After the news on the hot search

Caused a lot of heated discussions among netizens

What is the concept of 150 million?

Some netizens said:

If a fragrant concubine attracts 1,000 butterflies,

This wave of Yunnan probably needs

150,000 fragrant concubines are dancing!

   The picture shows a butterfly perching on a rock.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  Yunnan is a famous kingdom of animals and plants. There are more than 700 species of butterflies, ranking first in the country.

There are more than 400 species of 11 families among the 12 butterfly families in the saddle bottom of this piece of land of more than 200 square kilometers. Among them, 320 species can be illustrated by specimens and photos, ranking first in the world.

   The picture shows a butterfly perching on a rock.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  In the outbreak season, hundreds of millions of butterflies emerge from their cocoons. They gather in the mountains and forests, fly on the grass, shuttle in the jungle, and play on the flowers, just like a golden ocean... Come here, just You can experience the fairy tale-like romantic scene of "butterfly around, dancing and people swimming in the middle of the painting".

  The picture shows the arrow ring butterfly cocoon.

Photo courtesy of Yang Zhenwen

  So, why does the butterfly explode?

Why is it in Ma'andi Township, Yunnan?

What time is it?

Let's understand the answer!

Why does the butterfly explode?

Why is it at the bottom of the saddle?

  The so-called butterfly outbreak means that from May to June each year, a large number of butterfly larvae emerge into butterflies in a short period of time, forming a flying landscape.

Currently, butterfly outbreaks have been found in only two places in the world, one in Mexico and the other in Ma'andi Township, Yunnan Province.

After monitoring, it is estimated that the total number of butterfly outbreaks in Maandi Township this year will reach more than 150 million.

  The picture shows groups of butterflies perching on tree trunks.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  It is understood that butterflies are indicator organisms of environmental changes and require high habitats.

When they are still eggs, they must be attached to the host plant so that they can be adequately protected from heavy rain and strong light.

In the larval stage, they need some covering on their heads to help them defend against birds and other predators.

After breaking out of the cocoon, most butterflies live on nectar, which requires a large number of flowering plants in the living area.

At the same time, butterfly wings are not suitable for flying in places that are too humid or dry.

  The picture shows tourists walking in the forest surrounded by butterflies.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  Ma'andi Township is located to the south of the Tropic of Cancer, a transitional area between tropical and subtropical.

Due to the large altitude difference, the three-dimensional climate is more obvious, and the forest coverage rate here is as high as 70%. There are 116,000 mu of nature reserves, which have preserved good original forest vegetation and complex and diverse regional environments.

So, of course, it has become the best ideal habitat for butterflies.

When did the outbreak occur?

   The picture shows Yang Zhenwen observing butterflies up close.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  This year, the Red River Butterfly Valley butterfly outbreak in China began on May 20, and it is expected to continue for about 25 days until the end of mid-June.

In this outbreak, the largest number of butterfly species is the arrow ring butterfly.

The arrow ring butterfly is mainly distributed in southern China. It has a brownish-yellow body and a large body. The front of the front wings is yellow-brown. There are clusters of black spots around the front and rear wings, hence the name arrow ring butterfly.

In addition to the arrow ring butterfly, there are also swallowtails, dead leaves, white band saws, brown hooked swallows, beaked swallows, purple spotted swallows, and beautiful swallows.

To protect wild butterflies

Also made these locally

  The picture shows tourists walking in the forest surrounded by butterflies.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  In order to protect wild butterflies to the utmost extent and allow more people to see the spectacular scene of butterfly outbreaks, Jinping County and Ma'andi Township have also made a lot of efforts.

It is understood that the local area actively supports and explores the cultivation of host plants of butterfly eggs and chrysalis, such as Sorrel lanceolata, Chinensis, and nectar plants such as milkweed, five-colored plum, and oleander, to provide for the reproduction of many species of butterflies. Place of residence".

At the same time, according to the growth habit and reproduction cycle of different butterfly populations, the local area constructed a full-cycle butterfly reproduction system in chronological order, extending the concentrated outbreak period of butterflies from 1.5 months to 6 months, and increasing the degree of viewing.

   The picture shows the arrow ring butterfly.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

  In addition, the local area has specially delineated the ecological protection scope of Butterfly Valley, announced the ecological red line and the protection list of more than 400 butterfly species. It is strictly forbidden to use pesticides in the reserve and buffer zone. The strictest wild fire approval and reward reporting system are implemented. Limit human damage to the ecology.

  The picture shows the arrow ring butterfly.

Photo by Li Jiaxian

See here

I believe many friends are just like Xiaoxin

Want to experience it for yourself

The fun of "Dancing with Butterflies"~

have to be aware of is

If everyone goes wild and looks at butterflies

I must remember that I can only watch from a distance

Never touch or catch wild butterflies

Leave the most comfortable and safe living environment to them!