The high school entrance examination is approaching, and some students are prone to anxiety due to the high pressure of the examination.

Every year when the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination are approaching, psychologists will receive junior and high school students who need psychological counseling.

  The doctor said that many children suffering from anxiety disorders are still students with excellent grades, but because one or several exams fail to pass, the parents do not give comfort or even blame in time, which will cause psychological anxiety.

At this time, it is even more important for parents to pay attention to the children's emotional changes, and to find problems in time for guidance.

  It is understood that in some boarding schools, taking into account that students and their parents usually have less time to communicate, teachers will also take some measures to reduce the psychological pressure of the students and communicate with them in time. Some schools have also set up special psychological conditions. Counseling room.

  Many students said that the senior high school entrance examination is the first major exam in life, and pressure is sometimes also motivation. Only by calming down can we better exert our strength.

(Tang Hui video source from Nanning TV Station)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]