Explaining what is happening in Ceuta as a migratory crisis would reveal the same blindness that has brought us here.

The illegal and massive entry of 8,000 people into Spanish territory has been

carefully planned and executed by Morocco

to respond to what it interprets as a previous offense: the hospitalization of the leader of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, in a hospital in Logroño under a false identity which was soon unmasked by Moroccan intelligence, which

That increased his anger.

In case it had not been sufficiently clear, the Moroccan ambassador in Spain has been in charge of making the revenge explicit in a crystalline way: "There are acts that have consequences and must be assumed."

We are, therefore, before a

immoral political defiance of the utmost gravity

-Morocco using their own minors as a weapon of blackmail- which requires a forceful response from the Government of Spain and the closed support of the European Union, since Ceuta is also a community border.

Now, nothing that is happening was unpredictable.

This Executive has exhibited from the first moment

a diplomatic awkwardness difficult to understand when it comes to the relationship with the troubled neighbor to the south




carried by a counterproductive goodness.

He broke the tradition of traveling to Rabat as the first destination of the Spanish president as a sign of friendship.

He introduced into the Government with the rank of vice president a Pablo Iglesias who did not take long to stir up the delicate Saharawi issue in demand of a referendum on self-determination that deeply irritated the Alawite monarchy.

With this background, when

Trump decided to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara

González Laya remained in the traditional position of respect for a solution agreed under the auspices of the United Nations.

That ended up irritating Morocco, which suspended

sine die

the announced bilateral summit.

The Government did not know how to play the card of the North American bases and allowed Morocco to strengthen ties with the United States, weakening the Spanish position.

But the height of negligence was to admit Ghali to a Spanish hospital under a false name without notifying Rabat, when our intelligence services had been warning of the consequences of a gesture that Rabat would soon learn of.

That decision divided the socialist part of the Government, not to mention the added division between PSOE and Podemos, with positions found in almost any foreign policy scenario.

But the final decision is Sánchez's.

As for the rest of the nationalist and populist partners, faithful to their habitual demagoguery, they have already come out to criticize the military deployment on the border.

A necessary measure in a State affair that should escape partisan confrontation in the general interest.

The problem is that,

With the anti-system partners that Sánchez has chosen, it is impossible to sustain state policies.

Unity in fundamental aspects of foreign policy should not be at odds with political criticism, pertinent and necessary.

Many mistakes have been made, some of which we have listed above.

Sánchez, a prisoner of his narcissism and given over to that absurd triumphalist and prospective rhetoric from which he speaks, has underestimated the destabilizing capacity of a bad relationship with Morocco.

It is good that, although late, he reacts by traveling to the area and setting the nature of the conflict in its proper terms:

a challenge to the territorial integrity of our country, which must be vigorously defended

including the hot returns it once criticized.

But the dimension of this threat reaches the European institutions, which have clearly expressed their support for Spain.

Hopefully Sánchez learns the lesson and abandons Adamism once and for all.

A very serious crisis has exploded in the middle of the week devoted to futurology: Spain 2050. The reality is called Ceuta 2021.

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