New book publication appeared in Beijing Book Fair and accepted an interview with this newspaper to respond to hot spots

Jiang Kun hopes that the "Curious" stage will pass quickly and the cross talk will be true

  Recently, the "Proposal on Strengthening the Construction of Crosstalk Circles' Style and Consciously Practicing Cultivation of Virtue and Art" issued by the Chinese Musical Association has aroused widespread heated discussions from all walks of life.

People discuss and express their opinions on cross talk creation, talent training and future development through different channels.

  To this end, on the occasion of the publication of "Jiang Kun's Self-Summary", reporters from Beijing Youth Daily interviewed Jiang Kun, chairman of the Chinese Music Association and crosstalk performer, at the "Humor Bookstore" booth at the main venue of Chaoyang Park, Beijing Book Market, to discuss the future of crosstalk.

At the same time, Jiang Kun also opened up and expressed his views on some of the criticisms and rumors about him.

  Faced with questions from a reporter from the Beiqing Daily (hereinafter referred to as Beiqing), Jiang Kun's "report" was open and honest.

Talk about new books

Let young people know how their fathers came here

  Beiqing: Why did you write the book "Jiang Kun's narrative"?

  Jiang Kun: Now is an era of converging media. The amount of information is extremely large. Everyone lives with complicated information every day.

The epidemic gave me a rare time to stay at home, and made me think about the path I have traveled especially calmly when this kind of information exploded.

  In the past, a poet said, "When there is no road, the road is ahead, that is a dream; the road traversed, looking back, that is life."

I wonder if I can summarize my life when I was 70 years old?

At the same time, I still have an idea. In this multimedia age, I have a heart-to-heart chat with some young friends to let them know how the generation of their parents came over, how they are different from now, and how they were in that era. want.

So there was this "Jiang Kun's narrative".

  On the one hand, I summarized my career as a cross talk actor, artistic life, life notes and some accumulations; on the other hand, when I get along with my mentor, predecessors, and familiar characters, what are their brilliance or I think things that can be shared by everyone, I also record them.

  Beiqing: This book is a review of yourself, so what is your proudest thing since you started your career?

  Jiang Kun: Speaking of looking back on my art career, some people are very humble, saying, "I am not satisfied with every piece of my own work."

I don't think I am humble. I look back at my cross talk works and feel that each one has its merits.

(Laughs) Because in the era when I lived, I discovered a lot of things that people thought at that time, and it can be said that they are gradually being recognized by the big guys.

Sometimes it draws nourishment from the common people, but sometimes it has to be ahead of the common people. I feel proud of myself at this point.

  For example, in the work "Passenger and Me", I was the first person to use Northeastern dialect in cross talk.

I am proud that I did not stay in the Great Northern Wilderness for 8 years and learned a lot of people's language.

These languages ​​are extremely precious, and they are artistic treasures among our people.

But just let us know that the "pimple" of the Great Northern Wilderness will not happen, I have to let the people in Beijing know, and I have to let the audience across the country know.

Unexpectedly, the effect would be so good, even Teacher Li Wenhua said, "This is a new burden."

  Beiqing: What's the most regrettable thing?

  Jiang Kun: I was "shot" at the Spring Festival Gala and dropped a lot of works.

(Laughs) I feel distressed when these works have been "shot to death".

Talk about the relationship between master and apprentice

"Just don't form an attachment relationship."

  Beiqing: Your teacher, Mr. Ma Ji, is mentioned many times in the book.

Talking about the new type of mentor-disciple relationship, what kind of mentor-disciple relationship is between you and Ma Ji?

  Jiang Kun: Once, our group of teacher Ma Ji’s apprentices had a special regret. In the past, we did not formally apprentice teachers.

So in 1995, me, Zhao Yan, Liu Wei, Feng Gong, Xiao Lin, Huang Hong... We brothers opened a "Teacher Appreciation Meeting" in Suzhou.

  Teacher Ma Ji joked, "I used to call you brothers and sisters. Today I am very happy. You are here to thank Teacher for coming." Although it was a joke, in fact, before Ma Ji passed away, he saw every time We all say "Yo, brother is here again."

He has never brought this mentorship relationship to his family or life.

So there is such a new type of teacher-apprentice relationship between us.

  We all grew up watching Ma Dong.

Ma Dong used to call me "Uncle Jiang".

When Teacher Ma Ji passed away, we made a formal decision that day together that he had to "change his mouth." These students called Master Ma Ji’s apprentice brothers, but they were actually peers.

  It can also be seen from this aspect that Teacher Ma Ji and I have a new and traditional relationship between teacher and apprentice.

  Beiqing: Before the "Teacher Appreciation Meeting", how did you call Mr. Ma Ji?

  Jiang Kun: Teacher Ma.

  Some netizens in Tianjin criticized me "You saw Ma Sanli on stage, you are not called Master, you are not called Master, you are called Master Ma?" I said I was the host, I went on stage to call Master?


  I hope our netizens can understand one thing: In the past, many cross talk actors did not go to college and did not have a diploma, so the relationship between master and apprentice proves that we are in the door and have a relationship between teachers and students.

For example, a few months before his death, Mr. Li Wenhua suggested that he must formally worship Mr. Ma Sanli.

He took out a few letters and came to me. The content of these letters is proof that Mr. Ma Sanli said "You have always been my student" many times.

For this reason, I specifically called Ma Zhiming, Chang Baohua, Hou Yaowen, and Li Jindou, hoping that we can all fulfill the old man’s wishes together.

Otherwise, when we are writing history in the future, there is no Li Wenhua's name in the "cross talk series", and he will become a "side-by-side approach".

If so, I think this is unfair to Teacher Li Wenhua.

  Later, Teacher Li Boxiang, Teacher Su Wenmao and others specially took the train from Tianjin to attend Teacher Li Wenhua’s apprenticeship meeting. This is equivalent to the recognition that Teacher Li Wenhua is Teacher Ma Sanli’s apprentice.

I think this is not only a kind of comfort to Teacher Li Wenhua himself, but also a new interpretation of the cross talk relationship between teacher and student.

  Bei Qing: Can you put it this way: From the perspective of the historical development of cross talk, we should pay attention to the relationship between teacher and student, but in terms of the specific relationship between teacher and apprentice, we should look at it from the perspective of development?

  Jiang Kun: In the past, the teacher-disciple relationship, such as life and death, was almost like a domestic slave. It was an old thing.

As long as we don't form such a dependency relationship, it's fine.

Because who does our teacher train apprentices for?

It is cultivated for the country, for the common people, for the audience, not for yourself.

Talking about young people's creation

It's wrong not to admit that young people's innovation

  Beiqing: Do you usually talk to young people a lot?

  Jiang Kun: I often say that the tasks of my generation are almost done.

Because I was around 20 years old to nearly 70 years old, I have been busy living on various stages for cross talk, folk art career, and rap art.

At my age, I can count on me to do somersaults and slaps like a young man, like I did when I was 20. It's impossible, and it's easy to fall.

  I place my hope on the young people, I hope they will live up to this era, and I hope young people can come up with something that belongs to them.

So, for some young actors, my home is their home.

For example, since 2006 when I ran the MBA class that was dubbed by the media as "Crosstalker"-people ridiculed me-until now, I have never stopped communicating with young people.

I am very happy to see the young people in the class at that time, such as Qizhi, Dabing, Zhou Wei, Li Weijian, Wu Bin, etc., all of whom made their own contributions to the cross talk cause on their own stage.

  Now many younger actors often come to my house, such as Liu Zhao, Sun Chao and so on.

Some were born in 1996, and even those born after 00.

  Beiqing: When you were in the Great Northern Wilderness, you were a kind of "down-to-earth spirit", which provided you with rich soil for your future cross talk creation.

So how can young people be grounded and create new burdens in cross talk creation?

  Jiang Kun: I am learning the new baggage technique.

Many young people nowadays have innovative ways of turning over their burdens.

Some time ago, I downloaded Liu Zhao and Sun Chao’s cross talks and listened carefully to help them analyze.

In the past, our cross talks, such as "So Photographing", I said to Teacher Li Wenhua that the one who praised me was to follow the funny words; now Liu Zhao, Sun Chao and their works, to me, the praise is to deconstruct the funny baggage.

So now the organization of cross talk is constantly changing, but to what extent, no one can say for sure.

  Since it is changing, it must come from traditional things and then turn into new things.

So I often look for things of their own among young cross talk actors, and also see if they are both inherited and innovative like our predecessor cross talk artists.

I also help them do it together.

Why are so many young people popular now?

It is because of innovation.

It is wrong not to recognize the innovation of young people.

Just blindly conserving the old, holding the old baggage and repeatedly saying that the content is not desirable and must be innovated. Without innovation, there is no vitality.

Talk about ethics

Bringing thrown away things back out of "curiosity"

  Beiqing: In the past, old actors were not well-educated. Now many young actors have quite high academic qualifications. But listening to the cross talks of some young people gives people a feeling of "educated but not educated", and there is no culture that old actor's cross talk gives people. Feeling high.

Why is this?

  Jiang Kun: In the old days, why don’t you talk about cross talk, meat, vegetarian, smelly... But Mr. Hou Baolin has a very conscious cultural aesthetic. He knows what should be said and what should not be said in a mixed environment. Say.

Is he highly educated?

not tall.

But his aesthetic level is high.

Does he have a degree?

No degree, but he has taste.

This is particularly rare.

So he became a "master".

  Mr. Hou Baolin himself said that at that time, Tianjin audiences said "Hou Baolin's cross talk civilization".

This shows that the older generation of artists had their own pursuits and improved themselves in their artistic practice.

On the contrary, there are times when they go back all at once, and some people want to take back things that were thrown away in the past.

To some extent, I think this is due to a kind of "curiosity". I hope that the stage of "curiosity" can be passed soon, so that everyone can re-recognize the true nature of art.

  Beiqing: Nowadays, many people like to listen to "Call Dad", and listen to the quasi-joy of "Call Dad".

How do you think more people know what cross talk should be like?

  Jiang Kun: I think it's just to listen to classic cross talks, to listen to those that can be passed down for a long time and remember in people's hearts.

In this kind of work, you, your parents, your colleagues, and even your next generation can find the foundation of art and the joyful style together... Don’t just "this stuff is over when I am happy, and others love it." Whatever you do, I don’t care about others.”

This must have a development process.

To put it bluntly, some of our art propaganda in the past imprisoned some authentic things.

Talk about "Laughing with Tears"

"It's a way of humor, don't misunderstand this concept"

  Bei Qing: People have been discussing "cross talk is a laugh with tears" recently. What do you think of this sentence?

  Jiang Kun: You will find that for Chekhov, for Gogol, for Chaplin... "Laughter with tears" can always appear in the art reviews of these comedy masters or comedy works.

"Laughing with tears" itself is just a way of humor. It doesn't mean that everyone has to cry when listening to cross talk. Don't misunderstand this concept.

  Many netizens have objections to this sentence in the Proposal of Chinese Folk Artists Association.

I am also a member of the Chinese Folk Artists Association, and I also want to follow this proposal.

The Chinese Quyi Artists Association is a bridge and a tie built between artists and the people.

We artists should see this kind of positive initiative in the industry associations. Don't deny others just because of one sentence or two sentences. Misinterpretation is inappropriate.

  Beiqing: There are many criticisms of you on the Internet, many of which are misinterpreted, but you rarely explain. Don't you feel wronged?

  Jiang Kun: I didn't feel wronged.

There are many things that are said on the Internet, and they have compiled a lot of things that we don't have at home, and they are vivid.

This is a phenomenon in the current multimedia development process, and I don't care.

The only thing I have "AQ spirit" is that everyone who knows me says I am good, and I don't know anyone who says I am bad.

(Laughs) I just use these words to comfort myself, it's okay.

  Now there are everything on the Internet, and they have different purposes.

Some companies now engage in public opinion operations in order to achieve their own goals.

I have the right to treat it as a social phenomenon.

  Beiqing: As a cross talk performance artist, you have also assumed many administrative duties and social responsibilities. Are you adapting to this change in social status?

  Jiang Kun: When I was the director of the China Radio and Rap Troupe, I kept "fighting" repeatedly: Am I an actor or a director?

As the head of the regiment, it delayed me a lot, because I wanted to take care of everyone.

I have written more than 100 paragraphs of cross talk. I dare say that if I am not a cadre, I can have more than 300 paragraphs, which is two-thirds less.

Later, I served as the director of the Quyi Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Art. I was the editor-in-chief of the two big books "History" and "On" of Chinese Quyi, and later I was transferred to the Chinese Music Association...These really affected me. Fortunately, my physique is okay.

I watched hundreds of performances and a lot of administrative work on the stage every year.

  This society requires you, and it needs you to do this. If you don't do it, you owe something in your heart.

You have to think that after you have this matter, you can help the big guy to do this thing well.

I do have this simple idea.

So it's been so many years.

  Text/Reporter Man Yi Zhang Enjie

on site

"Jiang Kun's narrative" signed and sold hundreds of readers in line

  On the afternoon of May 15th, Jiang Kun, a well-known cross talk artist and chairman of the Chinese Quartist Association, brought his new book "Jiang Kun's Self-Summary" to the main venue of Beijing Book Market Chaoyang Park. The theme was "Happy Forever, Laughing Life" with the publisher, Culture and Art Publishing House. At the reader meeting, hundreds of readers lined up to get Jiang Kun's new book signature.

  At 3:30 in the afternoon, Jiang Kun walked into the press hall of the main venue of the Beijing Book Fair. For a while, readers and fans from the audience ran to the front desk to take pictures of Jiang Kun with "long guns and short shots". Some readers even couldn't wait to let Jiang Kun publish the new book. signature.

  "Jiang Kun's self-report" was published by the Culture and Art Publishing House in March 2021. In the book, Jiang Kun confronted readers and described himself in five parts: "self-report", "family and friends", "reading notes", "humor and notes" and "On Tao". Little-known stories about his family, friends, career, etc., including his literary talent in his youth, the educated youth of the Great Northern Wilderness, the friendship between teachers and students with his teacher Ma Ji, the people who started the Spring Festival Gala, and the unforgettable history of cross talk...

  Dong Liangmin, the editor-in-charge of the book, told reporters from Beijing Youth Daily that he had communicated with Teacher Jiang Kun for several years to publish this book. Initially, he planned to compile it to more than 300 pages. Later, the entire content continued to expand, eventually reaching 490 pages.

This includes a large number of precious historical photos, performance stills, Jiang Kun's interesting graffiti works and precious manuscripts, trying to show readers a three-dimensional Jiang Kun.

  Text/Reporter Zhang Enjie