[Commentary] On May 13, the premiere of the Wenchuan earthquake-themed movie "108" was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. The director, starring and producer, producer, and prototype characters of the film met with the audience.

The 20 "Rohan Babies" also came together to spend an unforgettable birthday together.

  The movie "One Hundred Eight" is adapted from a true story in the "5·12" Wenchuan earthquake in 2008.

Deyang Shifang Maternity and Child Health Hospital suffered severe damage in the earthquake, and a large number of pregnant women had nowhere to go.

"Seeing death without saving is the biggest taboo." At the critical juncture, the wooden structure and relatively safe Luohan Temple opened its doors to accept them. The delivery room was set up in the open tent, and the operating table was formed by splicing the Zen bed. Under the guardianship and with the help of the monks of the Luohan Temple, 108 babies were born in the Luohan Temple three months after the earthquake. There was no infection in the extremely simple production environment, and a miraculous love story was achieved.

These 108 children also have a common name-108 "Luohanwa".

  At the premiere scene, 20 "Rohan Babies" from Shifang came to the scene to cheer for the film.

On May 13, 2008, the first "Rohan Baby" was born.

At the premiere, the creators especially presented a big cake to the "Rohan Babies" to celebrate their birthday collectively.

One by one, the "Rohanwas" who have grown up into young boys just highlight the theme of the film "If you have you, there is hope."

  The screenwriter and director Kong Jiahuan said in an interview with reporters that in the past 13 years, 108 children have grown up. They are the hope of Sichuan and the hope of the Chinese people.

  [Concurrent] Film Director Kong Jiahuan

  Through this film, you will feel that the cohesion of our Chinese people has been strengthened, and the sympathy and the spirit of unity and solidarity.

We are talking about a spirit of resistance that we can show every day.

And you will feel the strength of our motherland. At that time when the troops are on the march, you will feel that the motherland is a very strong arm to protect us, so the Chinese are strong, and we will feel that we are the most important in this movie. The point is hope.

  [Commentary] Talking about the most profound scene in the shooting, Kong Jiahuan admitted that the earthquake scene was a huge challenge for him, and the actor's risk factor was a great impact on him.

  [Concurrent] Film Director Kong Jiahuan

  The most profound scene is actually our earthquake platform, because the earthquake scene is very real, and 99% of it is restored to reality.

So when we were doing this earthquake drama, we built two seismic platforms that should be said to be the largest in China.

Including hollowing out an entire street, including an 80-meter corridor imitating a hospital.

Every place has to carry dozens of tons or even hundreds of tons of weight, which has a great impact on the risk factor of the actors and whether the shooting is successful every day.

In this process, we failed several times, tried several times, and persisted several times. In the end, we reached the final consummation.

  [Commentary] The actor Gao Liang, the leading actor in the play, is from Sichuan. He bluntly said that this film is the most memorable in his entire artistic career.

  [Concurrent] Actor Gao Liang

  You see me buried under the ground for just a few minutes, but in fact, we repeatedly filmed that scene for 15 days. Every time I had to kneel in the pit with my head tilted and the stone pressed against it. So, it’s been half an hour since I was all set up, and then I spent another half an hour lighting up, and then using 10 minutes to put cement on my face, touch up makeup, and shoot again. Every time I came out, I was almost half-body paralyzed.

But I think all these sufferings are worth it.

  [Commentary] It is reported that the movie "108" will be released nationwide on May 15.

  He Xi Yang Yudi reports from Chengdu

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】