, Hangzhou, May 14 (Guo Qiyu, Zhao Xiaoyan) Recently, many Hangzhou citizens visiting the farmer’s market received an anti-fraud egg printed with anti-fraud words, which was also mixed with "fake eggs" and printed on it. "There will be no pie in the sky, but a trap in the sky." "There are so many scams on the Internet, even this egg is fake" and other slogans.

  It is understood that these eggs are the first batch of anti-fraud eggs issued by the Anti-fraud Center of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau in conjunction with Alipay. The fake eggs are put into real eggs to remind everyone to pay attention to anti-fraud, and to teach the middle-aged and elderly people a practical anti-fraud class. .

  In recent years, telecommunications network fraud methods have emerged one after another. The elderly lack understanding of new things and their awareness of prevention is relatively weak. They have become a high incidence of telecommunications fraud.

In order to improve the awareness of anti-fraud among the elderly, the Hangzhou police introduced various new types of scams to the elderly through various forms of popular science, and taught them to identify the traps in telecommunications network fraud.

  “Because middle-aged and elderly people have relatively weak awareness of prevention, they can easily become targets of telecommunications network fraud. We packaged eggs printed with various anti-fraud slogans and sent them to middle-aged and elderly people, hoping to remind everyone that the eggs delivered free of charge may also be fake. Yes, don't be fooled by petty bargains," said Zhang Xinlan, a police officer from the Anti-fraud Center of Hangzhou Public Security Bureau.

Anti-fraud eggs.

Hangzhou Public Security Photo

  At the same time, some companies are also taking action. According to the relevant person in charge of Alipay, based on different risk levels, Alipay outputs diversified wake-up methods, through risk pop-ups, anti-fraud answering questions, wake-up hotlines, etc., to initiate effective calls to users. Reminder.

At the same time, anti-fraud reminders will be issued through multiple channels to remind users to be wary of new scams such as fake customer service, "cancellation of campus loan account", "refund of reserve funds", "huabeiboraibei opening, withdrawal" and other new scams.

  Zhang Xinlan reminded that no matter whether he has money or not, he may be targeted by scammers.

Especially middle-aged and elderly people must have a keen awareness of fraud prevention. Any stranger or unfamiliar calling for transfers should be rejected at the first time, verified through official channels, or discussed with family members before making a decision.
