Sea urchin fishing was lifted for the first time in a year on the 10th in the Sakiyama district of Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, and people were seen enjoying fishing on the tide-down coast.

On the coast where sea urchin fishing was lifted, people who received permission from the fishery cooperative gathered and started fishing immediately when the tide was low.

Then, I used underwater glasses to look into the sea and used a unique tool called "Isokagi" to pick up purple sea urchins between rocks.

The woman who took the sea urchin said, "It's well-fitted and reasonably good."

After breaking the sea urchin, removing impurities and washing it with seawater, the sea urchin is sold as Goto's specialty "raw sea urchin" or "salt sea urchin" that is easy to preserve.

It also means that you can enjoy it as a dish such as sea urchin rice at a local restaurant.

Sea urchin fishing in Goto, Nagasaki Prefecture is scheduled to continue until July in some areas.