Premenopause is a particularly delicate and unpleasant period for women because, unlike menopause, no treatment can be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms.

Guest of Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, gynecologist Odile Bagot gives some advice on how to get through this period better, in particular by using alternative medicine.

It is a period that we talk about less than menopause, and yet can be synonymous with symptoms and pain.

Guest of Sans Rendez-vous, Monday on Europe 1, the gynecologist Odile Bagot, author of the book

Menopause, pas de panique

(Ed. Broché) spoke of the difficulties encountered by women before this important stage in life, characterized by a stop menstruation "for at least a year": premenopause. 

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Because if hormonal treatments exist to fight against the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, which occurs on average at the age of 51 and is accompanied by hot flashes, fatigue or insomnia, there is no treatment for this premenopausal period.

"Once you're completely through menopause, and you're in a state of equilibrium and you can be cured if necessary. But that's the time before, where you have ups and downs, that is really painful, ”explains Odile Bagot.

At that time, the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone created "the mess in hormones, and causes cycle disorders: periods that come too early, that last too long, sore breasts etc", develops the gynecologist, who gives some advice to better live this period.

Essential oils

Odile Bagot recommends first using clary sage essential oil.

"We can put three drops in a spoon of honey, put them in the hollow of the wrist and inhale them, or use them in massage, cut with another oil", she explains.

She also advises the essential oil of green anise and cypress.

Black cohosh

Black cohosh is a traditional remedy, which comes from a plant of Native American origin.

It helps fight hot flashes, very common symptoms of premenopause (and also menopause).

"It can be taken in the form of tablets and extracts, but not in excess", warns Odile Bagot, "you have to see the pharmacist to have the right dosage".


"In some studies, homeopathy has shown little benefit over placebo. But for hot flashes, all treatments have a 50% placebo effect. Homeopathy, when prescribed on an individual basis, may work. ", considers Odile Bagot.

Food and food supplements

To fight against hot flashes, the gynecologist believes that phytoestrogens, especially present in soybeans, can be effective.

But she calls for caution: "it's complicated for food and food supplements, because we cannot know the dose of phytoestrogen that there is in the different foods: the transformation of these food in active ingredients depends on our genetics and our digestive flora, ”she explains.

"If we want to keep it simple, we can add soy yogurts and flax seeds, but if we already have a diet with a lot of soy and tofu, we must not add food supplements, we must be careful", she concludes.