China News Service, Fuzhou, May 7 (Lin Ling, Zeng Luqi) At 3 am, Cai Yun's cell phone rang.

  "Cai Yun, there has been a homicide here. We collected fingerprints on the spot, and we need you to compare the fingerprints."

  "Okay, I'll come right away."

  After hanging up the phone, Cai Yun ignored his sleeping family and quickly got ready to go out, plunged into the dark night.

  This is the daily scene of Cai Yun, a member of the Criminal Science and Technology Division of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Cangshan Branch of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau. It is also a microcosm of the work of all criminal investigation technical policemen.

Looking for evidence of solving the case from clues

  Speaking of criminal police, what many people see is their "tough guy image" of arresting criminals at the scene, but in the process of smoothly solving the case, the police cannot do without a technical policeman like Cai Yun who is looking for the truth.

  "There are many traces left at the crime scene, and fingerprints are one of the'weapons' used by technical police officers to decipher the truth." Cai Yun told reporters that to use this "weapon" well, full stamina and vision are required.

  The reporter learned that if you want to compare a fingerprint, you must first perform the first round of comparison in the fingerprint database through the computer system.

After screening by the system, there will still be about 100 to 200 fingerprints with high similarity.

At this time, Cai Yun needs to conduct manual comparisons one by one.

  In order to successfully compare a fingerprint, Cai Yun often sits in front of the computer for several hours, staring at the black and white fingerprint pictures on the screen, and these fingerprints are basically curved, fuzzy, deformed fingerprints and palm prints.

Cai Yun is comparing traces.

Photo by Li Nanxuan

  After the fingerprint image is magnified, the screen is overflowing with swirling patterns, which makes a strong sense of dizziness. The only color is the characteristic points that are as small as rice grains.

When the eyes are sore and the brain is swollen, Cai Yun will drop a drop of eye drops to continue the comparison.

"You can find out the truth sooner if you compare your fingerprints earlier."

  Relying on this sense of responsibility that races against criminals, Cai Yun has used a fingerprint for 25 years in criminal investigation technical positions to crack a 14-year backlog of murders.

She directly participated in the identification of more than 900 criminal suspects and issued more than 400 trace inspection certificates, which provided strong evidence support for solving the case with zero confession.

  "Although this job is very hard and boring, I think it is worth it. Especially when the evidence I provide can bring the suspect to justice." To this day, Cai Yun is still full of enthusiasm for work: "Yes. For me, fighting crime and achieving justice are the sense of accomplishment of my work."

The courage to punish the murderer comes from the original intention

  To the reporter's surprise, Cai Yun, who looked quiet and elegant, applied to join the criminal police team on his own initiative.

Before becoming a technical police officer, she even worked as a criminal police squad.

  "I still remember the first murder case that I came into contact with in the serious crime team. It was a highly decomposed corpse." When it comes to this matter, Cai Yun's expression is very indifferent, which is in obvious contrast with the reporter's slightly surprised expression.

  Take the initiative to join the criminal police team, show no timidity in the face of the murder case, and do everything possible to punish the murderer... Cai Yun has the courage that ordinary girls do not have, and this courage comes from her original intention-to become a guardian of the people’s safety Policemen.

  "When I was a child, I was attracted by the image of a brave and fearless criminal policeman in TV dramas, so my dream is to become a criminal policeman." Cai Yun smiled, "I still love this post for 25 years."

  In recent years, with the continuous acceleration of the construction of the rule of law in China, the role of criminal science and technology in leading the direction of case investigation has become more and more significant.

  Cai Yun understands that his responsibilities will become more important.

In this regard, Cai Yun constantly updated his "reserve" and learned the latest criminal investigation techniques, and would never allow the phenomenon of "one foot high and evil one foot high" from happening.

  Today, 48-year-old Cai Yun is already a second-level supervisor of police technology and a senior engineer.

She has won the third-class merit once and won four personal awards. In 2019, she was named the "Fuzhou Good Man of the Year", the "Fuzhou Police Star" in the third quarter, and was awarded the "Cangshan District Dedication and Ethical Model" and other titles.

  Cai Yun, who was once rated as the "Provincial Inspection and Appraisal Expert", has a very prestigious nickname-"Trace Catcher".

While doing his job well, this "catcher" has not forgotten to pass on his beliefs and fingerprint matching skills to his "apprentices".

  "Justice will never be absent. We will always guard'everyone'." Once the interview was over, Cai Yun sat back in the small computer chair and continued his fingerprint identification work.

Those black and white pictures reflected in her eyes, reflecting her love and dedication to technical investigation work.
