A bill to amend the law to raise the window burden of medical expenses for people aged 75 and over to 20% for people with an annual income of 2 million yen or more was approved by the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party after being voted by the House of Representatives Welfare and Labor Committee. It was passed by a large number.

The amendment will raise the burden of medical expenses for people aged 75 and over, which is 10% in principle, to 20% for people with an annual income of 2 million yen or more. Consideration measures have been taken to limit the monthly increase in self-pay to a maximum of 3000 yen.

In a question and answer session held by the House of Representatives Welfare and Labor Committee, the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party insisted that "the refraining from seeing a doctor could cause health problems and the deliberation has not been exhausted," and called for further deliberation.

In response, the Liberal Democratic Party submitted a motion to end the question and ask for a vote, saying that the deliberations had been exhausted, and as a result of the vote, it was passed by a majority of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party.

Subsequently, the amendment was passed, and while the Constitutional Democratic Party and others rushed to protest against Chairman Tokashiki, it was passed by the majority of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Komeito Party, the Nippon Ishin no Kai, and the Democratic Party for the People.

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party opposed it.

The amendment is expected to be voted on at the plenary session of the House of Representatives next week.