5 reasons that compel you to wash Eid clothes before wearing them

The joy of Eid is not complete without the gorgeous look and the new clothes that draw happiness on the eyes of adults and children, but it is necessary to pay attention to something very important, which is the risks associated with wearing new clothes directly without washing them, which may cause health problems.

Fabrics made of synthetic fibers, such as polyester or acrylic, require attention to washing them before wearing them, because they contain dyes that pose a serious danger to the health of the skin, especially for people with allergies, because it exposes them to the risk of developing a rash similar to poison ivy rash, depending on what Came in the Arab site.

And often, some people measure clothes more than once, until it is suitable for him, and in the event that one of them is infected with hair bugs, such as lice, this may cause them to attach themselves to their tissues, and then transfer them to others when they wear them again.

Direct contact with clothing may lead to an infection with an infectious fungus, if a person with a skin disease measures it, and then someone else buys it.

Some factories add to the new clothes formaldehyde, known as "formalin", which is a chemical compound used to enhance its color, and it poses a great danger to patients with allergic reactions to the respiratory system when inhaled, and to patients with sensitive skin when it comes into constant contact with the armpits, neck, shoulders and thighs.

Displaying clothes in open places makes them vulnerable to dust, which is transferred to the eye when measured, causing irritation, redness, severe itching, and frequent secretions, and the matter may amount to chronic eye allergy.

Also, the clothes displayed outside the stores become exposed to dirt, dust and car exhaust, which leads to an allergy to the respiratory system, if they wear them and inhale the particles of dirt attached to their tissues, as well as shortness of breath, coughing, and bronchitis.