China News Service, Beihai, May 6 (Zhai Liqiang, Cheng Yujie, Pan Dongmei) On May 6, Guangxi Beihai encountered a "flooded street" due to continuous heavy rains, and people's travel was severely troubled.

The picture shows people helping the trapped people.

Photo by He Zhou

  It was the first day of work after the May Day holiday. On the morning of the 6th, the local WeChat circle of Beihai City was "swapped" by heavy rain, and people trapped on the way to work "complained" and clocked in.

The reporter drove for nearly an hour on the 3km road to school, and parents kept reporting in the class communication group that students were late for class.

The picture shows people besieged by stagnant water and firefighters dispatched police to help.

Photo by He Zhou

  The heavy rain began to fall in the early hours of the 6th, and the thunder continued to boom.

By the morning of the same day, there had been severe water accumulation in the sections along New Century Avenue, Beihai Avenue, Haidi Street, Guangdong Road, etc. in the urban area of ​​Beihai City. There was no car in the deepest water. The homes of individual residents were "soaked" and the parking lot was also damaged. Terrible.

The picture shows people sending off to school in the rain.

Photo by Zhai Liqiang

  According to the Beihai City Traffic Police Detachment, due to the influence of the weather, the visibility of the road in the early morning is low, and the waterlogging is serious. In addition, the power outage signal lights at certain intersections cannot be used normally, which “adds congestion” to the road traffic that is already affected by heavy rain.

In order to maintain the safety and smooth flow of road traffic, the police went on the road in the rain and directed traffic at various intersections.

  According to the Beihai City Fire Rescue Detachment, a police situation of trapped vehicles and personnel appeared in many low-lying sections of the urban area that morning, and rescuers rescued 7 trapped personnel.

Photo courtesy of the traffic police detachment of Beihai City on the road with serious water accumulation

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, a wall near the Yima Primary School on Xin Century Avenue in Beihai City was washed down by stagnant water, causing a billboard on the wall to fall and hit a middle school student passing by with his leg under the billboard.

After the firefighters went out of the police, they used the expander to expand the bottom of the billboard, successfully propped up the billboard, rescued the trapped middle school students, and moved to a safe area.

Road traffic congestion and chaos Photo by Zhai Liqiang

  According to the forecast of the Guangxi Meteorological Observatory, from the evening of the 6th to the 8th, the rainfall in northern Guangxi will generally reach above moderate rain, and local areas will be accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term thunderstorms and hail, and there will be more showers or thunderstorms in southern Guangxi.

  In the past few days, in addition to Beihai, Guilin, Liuzhou, Baise, Chongzuo and other places in Guangxi have also experienced short-term heavy rainfall and strong winds. The water level of some rivers has risen, roads have been flooded, and many scenic spots have been urgently closed.
