5 bad habits that prevent weight loss

A Russian dietitian revealed bad habits that prevent weight loss for obese people, because they slow down the metabolism and cause the accumulation of fats, according to what was stated in Russian media.

She pointed out that the bad habit is also to eat fruits at night, as fruits should be eaten in the first half of the day, until 4 pm, although they contain natural vegetable sugars, but they are glucose, fructose and sucrose, so it is not recommended to eat them in Evening, as this contributes to weight gain. "

She added that sleeping late, may stand in the way of losing weight, and this is due to the fact that at this time the body recovers, strengthens immunity, and balances hormones.

And other bad habits eat very quickly, as the body does not have time to digest food, and feel full, and there is a possibility that we eat much more than we actually need. "

She added that some people prefer not to eat in the morning, but it is necessary to resort to at least a light meal, because breakfast starts the metabolism process and gives energy. = Also, abstaining from breakfast does not contribute to weight loss.