The emergency response mechanism for trapped elevators without door for help urgently needs to be improved

  Yang Weili

  On May 3, an elevator malfunctioned in a community in Fuzhou, Fujian, and a 13-year-old boy fell to his death during self-help.

The surveillance video showed that at about 18:26, the child pressed the button on the second floor of the elevator. The elevator suddenly rose to between the 6th and 7th floors and the door was closed. The child pressed the alarm bell, slapped the elevator door, and pressed the "emergency call" button for help. , Did not get any response.

The child used his own long-handled umbrella to pry open the car door and the 6th floor elevator door. At about 18:34, the child got out of the car from a space less than half a meter high, and then an accident occurred.

  The 13-year-old young man in bloom just fell like this, which is extremely sad.

What must be asked is, after the boy asks for help, if someone responds in time, will the tragedy still happen?

Why does the "emergency call" drop at a critical moment?

With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasing popularity of elevators, the safety problems that follow frequently occur. There are frequent incidents of people trapped in elevators, and the trapped people have nowhere to ask for help. Some have happened, and some have even caused personal injuries.

From this, problems such as failure to implement the main responsibilities of elevator managers and insufficient supervision by relevant departments have been exposed, suggesting that the emergency response mechanism of elevators needs to be improved urgently.

  Due to frequent use and aging of the elevator, it is difficult to completely avoid failures, but the question is, if someone is trapped in the elevator, how can they be rescued safely in the shortest time?

In this regard, elevator managers should establish a risk assessment mechanism, improve emergency plans, implement systems such as on-duty, and keep emergency calls unblocked.

Summer is a period of high occurrence of trapped elevator failures. If rainwater enters electrical components and the high temperature control system self-protects, elevator trapped failures are prone to occur.

Elevator managers must start from responding to "what if", seriously carry out "look back", put possible problems in front, and try their best to avoid the occurrence of serious accidents and tragedies.

  The State Administration for Market Supervision issued a notice not long ago, requiring that the supervision and inspection of elevators in public gathering places and residential areas be strengthened, and related violations of laws and regulations should be seriously investigated to ensure that the people can take the elevators with peace of mind.

Not grasping tightly is equivalent to not grasping; grasping not solidly is equivalent to grasping in vain.

Local market supervision and other departments should refine and implement their responsibilities, increase supervision and law enforcement, treat hidden dangers as accidents, and seriously investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations in order to prevent others from doing so.

At the same time, through activities such as entering the community with elevator safety knowledge and elevator emergency rescue drills, educate and guide residents to care for and use elevators safely, and in particular, protect minors from using elevators safely.

  Ensuring elevator safety is a matter of public safety.

Strengthening the construction of elevator emergency handling service platform and improving the ability of elevator public safety governance should become an important part of public safety governance.

Some places have actively explored this aspect. For example, Jiangsu Province has established a unified 96333 elevator emergency response service platform for the whole province, implementing "one number for external parties, one platform for dispatching, and one team for response" to provide 24-hour emergency rescue services. Each elevator has a unique identification code, and the trapped can quickly locate it by reporting the elevator number.

All localities should learn from the advanced experience in this area, accelerate the construction of elevator emergency response service platform, and better guarantee the safety of people's lives.

  In the current era of mobile internet, new technology applications provide huge support for more efficient emergency rescue.

For example, after the elevator is transformed by the Internet of Things, the user can give a one-key alarm through the smart terminal, and can automatically notify the first-line rescuers without manual telephone communication to ensure the implementation of accurate rescue.

All regions should seize the new opportunity of the Internet of Everything, rely on the empowerment of science and technology, give full play to the role of elevator managers, urban emergency platforms and all aspects of society, form a strong joint force, and jointly deal with safety issues such as "elevators trapped in people".

  I hope that the unfortunate passing of fresh lives can once again sound the alarm, promote the continuous improvement of elevator emergency response mechanisms and the continuous improvement of elevator public safety governance capabilities, so that the public can use elevators to gain a sense of security and happiness.