And Madrid voted.

She voted as she had never voted before, beating all participation records, mobilized by the awareness of a decisive moment.

The historic participation of the people of Madrid and the majority sense of their vote expresses, in the first place,

a massive approval of the management led by Isabel Díaz Ayuso

under the scourge of the pandemic.

Secondly, it affirms the success of the liberal model that has placed Madrid at the forefront of all the progress and prosperity indexes in Spain, a model sob

re whose continuity the people of Madrid have just pronounced forcefully.

And thirdly, the 4-M crystallizes the resounding rejection of what sanchismo means: the power of the PSOE at the hands of Sánchez and Iglesias, who yesterday did not even have the greatness to resign without victimizing himself.

An ending at the populist height of the character.

The citizens knew well that in these elections to the Community of Madrid a lot was at stake and they took the turnout to its historical record.

They decided between two country models: the one represented by Sánchez throughout Spain and the one led by Ayuso in Madrid.

The overwhelming victory of the PP candidate constitutes the

support for a liberal model

defended against the populist drift inaugurated with the arrival of Sánchez to Moncloa, promoted by the radical extreme left of Podemos and a wide spectrum of pro-independence forces with no common link other than the rejection of the center-right and the Constitution of 1978. the corresponding sinking of the left mark

an obvious turn in the national political scene


And so remarkable is its spectacular result - there is no precedent for the feat that has doubled the seats of the PP in just two years - such as the unmitigated defeat that the Madrilenians inflicted yesterday on Sanchismo.

It was the President of the Government himself who went down to the arena and turned these elections into a melee with the candidate


, rudely annulling Gabilondo's own profile and later leading him to extremist nonsense.

And that prominence of a Sánchez loaded with pride, together with the guerracivilista script of a

desperate Pablo Iglesias

To prevent the disappearance of Podemos, they are the ones who give the greatest credit to the deed of the Madrid president and make the failure of the left more resounding.

The people of Madrid have opted for freedom, yes, in its broadest sense.

The sectarian myopia of those who only understand politics as a Manichean confrontation has prevented them from gauging Ayuso's growing connection with the concrete interests of the citizen.

She has shown that there was an alternative to management and discourse, to the forms and substance imposed from Moncloa, and that this alternative could be carried out successfully even in the midst of circumstances as extraordinarily complicated as those caused by the pandemic.

Faced with sectarianism, the manifest incapacity of Sánchez and Iglesias and the

false dichotomy between health and economics

that has turned so many politicians into apostles of fraud, the president of Madrid has demonstrated remarkable efficiency in the health management of the coronavirus without neglecting at the same time the need to protect the economic and even emotional health of the people.

The PP has not won despite the pandemic: it has won thanks to its management of it.

Further, Ayuso offers a


Constitutionalist and liberal, which goes from the tax field - with recipes clearly antagonistic to those of Minister Montero, determined to harmonize euphemistically to please peripheral nationalisms - to an interventionist conception of the State that multiplies the bureaucracy and suffocates the citizen with its normative inflation.

Ayuso's historic victory strengthens the options of the

PP to arrive at La Moncloa


But the verdict of some ballot boxes born from a personal bet by Ayuso is also an unequivocal message for Casado.

The alternative is to combine successful management with courage in the battle of ideas.

It happens not to fall into the trap set by the media speakers of sanchismo who pharisaically lament the tension while they indulge in civil war hyperbole and the sanitary cordon, when the only extremism that has just been severely and democratically punished in the most open region of Spain He is the one who embodies sanchismo.

That there is more Madrid


to the PSOE not only does the personal failure of Sánchez, which comes from Madrid socialism and has become his worst hindrance, magnify, but it also opens the scene of the national fragmentation of the left into three forces.

Hopefully there is value for self-criticism in Moncloa and they are not tempted by a visceral and counterproductive revenge.

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