In the video ... Fitness ... "Over Row Item"

  • Photography: Ahmed Arditi


Golds Gym's sports coach, Muhammad Abu Samra, emphasized the importance of regular exercise during the blessed month of Ramadan, because fasting is a unique opportunity to commit to sports and lose weight, so that the body is more ready to burn fat. As for the ideal timing for exercise in Ramadan, he pointed out that it could be two or three hours before breakfast, provided that the intensity of the exercises is medium to light, as the focus is on medium weights, indicating that exercise before breakfast carries many benefits in burning fat, And lose weight. Here are easy-to-do daily exercise tips during the holy month of Ramadan:

This exercise can be done in the same way as practicing the "Dead Lift" exercise with carrying weights, where work is done to pull the weight to the waist area.

This exercise is characterized by being useful for the back muscles, and it is one of the most important muscles as it supports the spine, which are muscles that are not used much during the day, and some people suffer slightly curvature in the shoulder area due to the weakness of the back muscles, compared to the shoulder muscles.

This exercise is considered one of the exercises that burn a lot of calories, and the exercise can be done from eight to 12 repetitions, and the number of rounds is from three to five, to be practiced two to three times a week.

It burns a lot of calories, exercising it two to three times a week.