170 words make their entry into the Petit Larousse 2022 edition this year. 170 words, many of which are related to the Covid.

And the pandemic has also caused a change in the meaning to be given to certain other words. 

The pandemic is disrupting the existence of the French ... but also their language.

170 words make their entry into the Petit Larousse 2022 edition this year. And many are linked to the Covid!

This year, we have all used words like quatorzaine, click and collect, nasopharyngé or even coronapiste, for cyclists.

They are now officially part of the French language. 



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Pandemic obliges, many new words of Petit Larousse are therefore linked to Covid 19. We could also say LA Covid 19 but according to Petit Larousse, the masculine prevails in use.

What linguist Bernard Cerquiglini tells us is also that certain words have been rehabilitated with the health crisis.

The meanings of other words have changed, too.

Less anglicism in the dictionary

"The curfew, which dates from the Middle Ages, was a precaution against fire. Since the 19th century, it has been a military expression. However, we have seen the emergence of the sanitary use of curfew! Another example : the gauge. You have a gauge in the dashboard of your car, it measures the volume of gasoline. However, you have noticed that we now say 'the gauge' for a theater, for a museum. even so that the French language unites us, it is what makes nation ", develops the specialist.

Another novelty this year: there are fewer anglicisms.

Unlike other nations who have used words like "lock-down", the French preferred the word containment, for example.