Detecting the effect of coffee on brain activity and efficiency

A recent Portuguese research on the causes has revealed the effects of drinking coffee, to a point described as addictive, on brain activity, according to the "Okaz" website.

The research was led by neuroradiologist Nuno Souza, president of the College of Medicine at the University of Minho in Portugal, and the results showed new details about the effect of coffee on the brain, after the research team monitored, through magnetic resonance imaging, blood flow in the brain and the activation of neurons in a group of coffee lovers and non-drinkers in 3 Cases: rest, task performance, and immediately after ingestion.

It turns out that there is indeed a relationship between drinking coffee and a more efficient and beneficial pattern of links in terms of controlling activity and alertness. ”

In other words, if you feel more alert and alert once you have your morning coffee, research has confirmed that these effects are a consequence of a cup of coffee.

The researchers also found that dynamic activity in several areas of the brain confirms that coffee increases the ability to learn and focus, in addition to processing and storing memories, but they found another link that may be less surprising, especially since previous studies have found it, which is that some of the brains of participants in Research has reached a higher level of stress after drinking coffee.