Rapper Swings has become a new family member of P NATION, a management company led by singer Psy.

On the 29th, Pination announced the news that they had welcomed Swings as a new family member through their official social media account.

Earlier, Pination released a New Artist teaser, which aroused curiosity about who the silhouette is.

Psy took a picture of signing an exclusive contract while eating pork cutlet's icon Swings and pork cutlet, and opened it to the fans to laugh.

In this regard, Swings said on his social media, "I entered under Psy's brother." Delivered.

In addition to Swings, Pinations include Jesse, Hyuna, Crush, DunDAWN), Hayes, D.Ark, and Phenomeko.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)