There is such a liar, who pretends to be a man, plays two roles, weaves all kinds of lies, defrauds victims for two years, the amount involved exceeds 150,000 yuan, and he has changed WeChat accounts many times to avoid attacks... A "smart" person, what is his psychology to commit fraud?

Recently, the police from Yuzui Police Station of Chongqing Jiangbei District Public Security Bureau guided the victim to "negotiate" with scammers on WeChat, allowing the suspect to come to Chongqing from Liaoning to surrender under psychological pressure.

  When investigating the suspect’s mobile phone, the police found that there was such a detail on the social platform of the suspect’s Cai’s mobile phone that he went from the initial search term "how to find the flaws in the public security organ’s handling of the case" to the following "What would happen if I borrowed money", and then to the final "what the prisoners do every day", every change in search content reflects the change in his mentality. In this psychological war without gunpowder, The police achieved an overwhelming victory.

(Jia Nan's video comes from Chongqing Jiangbei District Police)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]