Food Nutrition

  Can you tell the biggest difference between pineapple and pineapple when they are on the market?

  It's the season when pineapples and pineapples are on the market again, and now it is a good time to enjoy, it is the season.

Regardless of their different names, they are very similar in appearance. Some people say that the two are the same thing, while others say that the two are too different. These statements are not accurate because the truth is not that simple.

Today, let's fully analyze the difference between these two titles.

  Are pineapples and pineapples different kinds?

  Name alone cannot distinguish all varieties

  Just like kiwis and kiwis, cherries and cherries, pineapples and pineapples are also different varieties of the same fruit.

Both pineapples and pineapples belong to the bromeliaceae genus. The common golden pineapple, perfume pineapple, golden pineapple, golden pineapple, etc. in stores are all trade names taken by merchants for different varieties.

Therefore, simply pineapple and pineapple cannot distinguish all pineapple varieties.

  What is the main difference between pineapple and pineapple?

  Price is a direction indicator

  The main difference between pineapples and pineapples currently on the market is that pineapples have no thorns and no inner eyes, and pineapples have thorns and inner eyes, and have a sour taste. Soak them in salt water before eating.

However, this cannot be used as a standard to distinguish between the two, because pineapples are also thornless, and there are varieties that do not need to be soaked in brine.

Therefore, if you want to distinguish between the two, sometimes the price is a direction indicator, because the price of pineapple is higher than that of pineapple.

  People usually think that imported thornless pineapples are better than thorny pineapples.

In fact, imported pineapples are not only delicious. At present, thornless pineapples in Guangdong, Hainan and other places are not inferior to imported ones and are relatively cheap.

Secondly, the above mentioned that pineapples are also thornless, and some are very sweet without soaking in salt water.

Whether it tastes good or not, it is mainly related to its variety, planting conditions, and seasonal climate. Fruits pay attention to the season. For pineapple, May to July is the best time to eat.

  Who has higher nutritional value?

  Actually the two are not much different

  There are many varieties of pineapples. Due to the influence of environmental factors and cultivation techniques, the tastes of different varieties are different, and the content of nutrients is indeed slightly different.

But they are the same kind of fruit after all, with little difference in nutritional value.

  So there is no need to worry about which is more nutritious. You can eat whatever you like. The price of local pineapple is of course more suitable.

  Text/Zhao Yongli

  (The Chief Physician of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Hebei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention)