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What is the relationship between vaccination and patriotism?

Sami Al Riyami


April 27, 2021

The "Covid-19" virus vaccinations have nothing to do with patriotism. Whoever took the vaccine is not more patriotic than the one who did not take it, and it never means that whoever abstains from vaccination against the virus does not love his homeland, and therefore he is a person devoid of patriotism. Patriotism is never measured by this standard. Indeed personal convictions, which differ according to the nature of each person, but, while we acknowledge this, it must be emphasized that building convictions on non-scientific or logical grounds is an unjustified act, and insisting on adhering to ideas proven to be untrue and unfounded, despite all the directions And the guidelines and objectives that the state is following, is also unjustified!

There are those who believe that the Corona virus vaccine is not safe, and that it may face complications after a while, and there are those who believe in more than that from ideas of conspiracies and changing genes, and there are those who suffer from various diseases, and fear for themselves of unexpected complications, it is personal freedom to believe and think But this freedom undoubtedly vanishes if it becomes an obstacle to the state's efforts to get rid of this epidemic that destroyed the lives of most countries of the world!

When the state puts all its capabilities and efforts into immunizing society, and seeks various ways and means to prove the safety of the vaccine, and spends billions to provide it to everyone inside the country, and before all countries of the world, we can only comply with these efforts, for we here in the Emirates differ from the rest of the peoples of the world, the government is here It has a very high balance of credibility, and our trust in it has no limits, and no citizen, whether or not he has taken the vaccination, has any doubts about the government's keenness to ensure his health, the health of his family, and the health of the entire society.

Doctors and specialists in the state have confirmed that refraining from vaccinations for "Covid-19", without reasons, is an unjustified act, given the size of the impact that the virus continues to spread in society, and they also confirmed that the vaccines for the new Corona virus (Covid-19) Approved by the health authorities in the country, safe, and highly effective.

We understand the reluctance of some, but according to all the information, this reluctance, even if these people see it as an individual act, except that in the case of the spread of the Corona virus, it exceeds the limits of individuality, and becomes a threat to society, because the hesitant in taking the decision to vaccinate against "Covid-19" They are putting themselves and those around them at risk, as most medical studies indicate that those without vaccination are more likely to have complications from infection.

Therefore, getting the vaccine is the best and safest option, and by this step, without the other, we reach the path of community immunity, which means the immunity of people in one community against a disease, as soon as a group of at least 60% of the community receives an anti-virus vaccine. .

This community immunity contributes to gradually slowing down the rate of transmission of the virus in society, and works to reduce infection rates and symptoms, leading to elimination, and there is no doubt that the reluctance to obtain the vaccine prolongs the survival of the virus in society, and increases the suffering of the state in bearing its negative effects on health and the economy And life in general.

Finally, we do not dare to question anyone’s patriotism, and the state cannot violate the personal freedom of any person, nor attack anyone, accuse anyone, or interfere in a person’s personal and individual decisions, but out of our trust, love and absolute belief in the decisions, guidelines and directions of our leadership and our government, Which aims at our own interest in the first place, so there is no justification for hesitation or fear of getting vaccinations for the "Covid-19" virus.

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