Chinanews client, Beijing, April 25th (Reporter Shangguanyun) Before and after World Book Day, "reading" became a high-frequency word.

According to Yi Yan, a lifestyle blogger and self-media person, reading can make people feel peaceful.

This is also the view she shared in the popular new book "Nourishment Everyday: 365 Days of Love for Your Life" (hereinafter referred to as "Nourishment Everyday").

  Recently, Zhou Yiyan said in an interview with a reporter from Paper books are a luxury item, and it is irreplaceable for the cultivation of ideas. It is better to buy books than to buy brand-name bags.

"Nurturing" is a way of life

  Zhou Yiyan has been a reporter for more than ten years, and "Nourishing Every Day" is her first book.

"Daily Nourishment: 365 Days of Love for Your Life".

Image courtesy of publisher

  The book shared 40 specific practices that are easier to practice: make an energy breakfast every day, store the kitchen, run four kilometers, read paper books, write a morning diary, plant plants... She even hopes that "Nourish Everyday" will become a reader Pillow book.

  In the book, Zhou Yiyan summed up all the energetic moments in her life, "I hope it conveys the meaning to readers as follows: as long as you have the heart, as long as you open your eyes to observe, the quality of life you want is OK." Learned every day."

  She explained the meaning of "nourishment" in the title of the book like this: nurturing and nourishment are a way of life and a way of thinking. "Remind everyone to care about yourself all the time, such as what you can do when you are depressed? How to relieve anxiety? "

  "The six parts in the book are progressive, from organizing objects to organizing the heart and spirit. The fifth and sixth parts are organizing dreams and practice." Zhou Yiyan explained, "Once you find something you like to do, Just go deep into it and turn it into your career."

  She drew up a timeline: through the sorting of items, she creates a home space that makes her mind and body comfortable. In this process, she finds what she likes to do in her heart, and then turns this hobby into a career, truly doing what she likes, and more. Like yourself.

"Cleaning up" is not just doing housework

  In the eyes of many people, "organizing" is basically equivalent to doing housework, but Zhou Yiyan doesn't think so.

Monday Yeon.

Image courtesy of publisher

  "For me, tidying up is not a housework, and I don't pursue things that are too ritual. I can't accept too rigid rules and dogmatic things." She said.

  She gave an example, for example, it looks like it is sorting clothes, but in fact it is sorting out needs through choices. "In this process, I think about whether I need to be at the moment, and I am immersed in the moment of staying with myself. It is the judge of life."

  "My current focus is on home furnishings, plants, hanging paintings, etc. I no longer devote 100% of my energy to the finishing of the external world. About 2/3 of the time I start to meditate, read, and talk to my inner self. That's the more interesting part." She said.

  When I was young, it was easy for people to "heartbeat" because of a little thing, but after years of tempering and busy life in life, it seems that there are fewer and fewer things that make people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts, and their sense of satisfaction is also lower and lower.

  "Daily home furnishing is actually organizing the external environment of your life and creating a happy and comfortable space." Zhou Yi compared the body to a container, "The body feels comfortable and can help you better perceive your interests. "

Talk about reading: paper books are a luxury

  In the book, Zhou Yiyan also set up a chapter about reading.

In her view, reading is also an important way to nourish the body and mind.

Picture source: Zhou Yiyan's new book "Nourishing Every Day", illustrator: Daxia Ning.

Image courtesy of publisher

  "Paper books are a luxury in my opinion. It is irreplaceable for the cultivation of thoughts. Instead of buying a brand-name bag, it is better to buy a book." Like the title of the book, Zhou Yiyan will buy the book; for a certain author If you are interested, I will try to buy all of his works.

  She defines the nourishment of reading to the heart like this: "Reading is a very quiet thing that can relax and quiet. The friend (the author) on the other side tells you his story silently through words."

  You may resonate with the words in the book, or you may have questions, and have unlimited imagination.

A book can also be your confidant. Through "cloud communication" and "cloud communication", when you find a "confidant", you will also like yourself more and more.

  She suggested that you can read a book for a while before going to bed, "When I stay away from my mobile phone and hug books, I can find peace of mind. The pleasure of reading is the most suitable for meditation." (End)