"China in Painting and Calligraphy" premiered by Wang Gang leading Charmaine Sheh to appreciate national treasures

  News from our newspaper (Reporter Qiu Wei) The cultural slow-moving variety "China in Calligraphy and Calligraphy" will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV tonight. The show uses a variety of innovative methods to reproduce the famous calligraphy and calligraphy and interpret the stories behind it. Artist Wang Gang once again came out as the host.

  "China in Painting and Calligraphy" chose to set up an elegant collection called "Tea Painting Society" at the Wanshou Temple in the "Little Forbidden City in the West of Beijing".

The predecessor of Wanshou Temple was Juse Temple, an ancient temple of the Tang Dynasty. It has undergone several repairs during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, including Wanli, Kangxi, Qianlong, and Guangxu, forming an architectural pattern integrating temples, palaces and gardens.

As the Beijing Art Museum, it has a collection of nearly 100,000 pieces of various cultural relics and artworks.

Beginning in 2017, Wanshou Temple was closed for major repairs. This time it will be shown to the world again through the program.

  As the owner of the "Tea Painting Club", Wang Gang has unique and in-depth insights into culture and history. This time he will host the show again, and he also intends to lead young people to interpret national treasures of calligraphy and painting through a more fashionable form.

The first flight guest Charmaine Sheh, led by Wang Gang, experienced the spring scenery of Wanshou Temple and appreciated the famous paintings and calligraphy related to the theme of "Spring Outing".

  In order to intuitively experience the scenes in calligraphy and painting, Beijing Satellite TV's "China in Calligraphy and Calligraphy" adopts 3D reproduction technology, allowing people to walk into the painting and experience the details of the legendary masterpiece at close range. At the same time, relevant historical stories will be reproduced and visualized by celebrities. In front of the audience.

In the first episode of the program, Charmaine Sheh was in the process of appreciating paintings. Huayi reproduced stories related to calligraphy and painting, accompanied by the professional interpretation of cultural scholar Monman, calligraphy master Zeng Laide, and art historian Tan Shengguang. Continue Unearth the historical code behind the pen and ink.