Know the worst time to drink water

Water makes up about 70% of the body weight and is considered a very effective way to clean the body of waste and toxins, as it enables to regulate temperature and reduces kidney stones by dissolving salts and minerals in the urine.

But did you know that there is a certain time when doctors advise not to drink water?

Nutritionist Irene Palinski stated, "It is unlikely that he will be allowed to drink water before bed, because this causes disturbance in sleep and does not allow the body to take 7-8 hours sufficient for continuous sleep," according to the medical journal "Medic Forum Roux".

"It is possible that a person will wake up to go to the toilet, while not getting enough sleep is associated with the risk of many serious disorders, including metabolic disorders, obesity and high blood pressure," Palinski said.

 Palinski advised people that "water intake should be reduced by about three hours before bed, as the body is able to process excess fluids, and thus sleep is calm and deep."

On the other hand, the specialist also believes that "it is useful to drink a glass of water when waking up, because it keeps the body hydrated throughout the day. The lack of fluids forces it to retain moisture, and drinking enough water helps the active metabolism processes, which contributes to the elimination of toxic substances." That may be harmful to the body. "