Two people were killed in a "Tsella" driverless car accident in America

Two men in Texas died in a Tesla car accident, which was most likely not being driven behind the wheel by the Wall Street Journal and KBRC2 TV Sunday.

The vehicle was traveling fast when it collided with a tree on Saturday evening and burned.

The authorities found two bodies, one next to the driver’s seat and the second on the back seats.

"The preliminary elements of the investigation, which has not yet been completed, show that the car was traveling without a driver," Mark Hermann, a Harris County police official, told the Wall Street Journal.

On Sunday, it was not known if the airbag in the driver’s seat had opened or if the driving assistance system was operational in the event of a collision.

And warns, "Tesla" through its website that the driving assistance systems in its vehicles do not make them completely autonomous, and therefore permanent human supervision of the vehicle’s path remains necessary.