Greta Thunberg got a shit storm when she advocated nuclear power as a factor in the fight against CO2 reduction.

For your followers it was as if Jesus had committed himself to group sex, you write.

How do you get out of the warlike religion when even climate icons are quickly named persona non grata?

Frank Schätzing:

By not being impressed by the shitstormers.

I respect people who clean up the shit more than those who throw it away.

We need less self-righteous outrage, but more pragmatism, more exchange.

Don't hate each other's opinion right away.

If her so-called followers propose Greta for the Nobel Peace Prize because she says uncomfortable things, and they yell down for exactly that because they don't like her last post, that's pretty much lying.

Greta is smart.

It is controversial.

OK then!

Please stay that way!


You write that in Germany the term “reactor” is a nonsense, like Voldemort, the villain from the Harry Potter novels, whose name must not be mentioned.


German fear plays a role here.