Including hormonal strikes ... diseases that frequent yawning may indicate

Yawning is a natural process that brings many benefits to the body despite its simplicity, as it helps to regulate body temperature, expand the lungs, renew the air inside them, and expel carbon dioxide, in addition to many other amazing benefits.

Doctors indicated that yawning is considered natural and beneficial when it is within the normal acceptable limit, but if it is frequent in a striking way, it could be a sign of a serious disease, according to a report published by the MedicForium website.

And repeated yawning could indicate the occurrence of an impending stroke, and doctors explained this matter that yawning helps to regulate the temperature of the brain and body, and therefore when a person suffers from frequent yawning, this means that he is suffering from a very high temperature, and he may have a fever, and this could be It leads to very negative consequences.

Studies have also indicated that people who have had a stroke experience frequent yawning.

On the other hand, depression can be another cause of frequent yawning, in which case the cause may be related to the increased secretion of the hormone cortisol in the body.

Doctors indicated that frequent yawning may indicate a hormonal disorder in the body in general, which may occur as a result of taking some types of drugs, or as a result of a defect in the work of the endocrine system.

Therefore, doctors advise not to neglect the phenomenon of frequent yawning in the event it occurs, and the need to see a doctor to ensure the health of the body and ward off risks.