After in particular "The best pastry chef" and "The best bakery in France", M6 entrusts Cyril Lignac with the presentation of a new culinary competition program.

This new program, entitled "My cake is the best in France", will be broadcast from Monday to Friday from April 26, 2021 at the end of the afternoon.

After the launch in 2020 of 

Tous en cuisine, live with Cyril Lignac

, M6 is entrusting a new culinary program to the famous chef this year.

This daily will be called 

My Cake is the Best of France

and will be a culinary competition, just like 

The Best Pastry Chef


The Best Bakery in France

, also broadcast on M6 and also presented by Cyril Lignac.

The show will be broadcast from Monday to Friday, at 6:35 p.m., instead of the bakery competition.

>> Find the media newspapers every morning at 9:10 am on Europe 1 as well as in replay and podcast here

A former 

Top chef

in the jury


My Cake is the Best of France

, Cyril Lignac will go to 7 French cities to visit amateur pastry chefs, to taste their signature cake.

To decide between them, the candidates will be subjected to several tests.

They will face a jury made up of a former

Top Chef


, Merouan Bounekraf, and three food journalists: Louise Petitrenaud, Pépée Le Mat and Luana Belmondo. 

Cyril Lignac and his quartet of jurors will select one candidate per city, who will then be qualified for the final phase of the show.

The first episode of

My Cake is the Best of France

 will be broadcast on M6 on Monday April 26 on M6.