"Ask the blacksmith" ... Just send your religious question by voice message

The Emirates website today provides a service to receive your inquiries and religious questions, and the Chief Mufti of the Ifta Department of the Department of Islamic Affairs in Dubai, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad, will answer you ..

Please send questions and inquiries by voice message via


Emirates today 


provided that the duration of the voice message does not exceed one minute ..

While preserving the sender's privacy.

We offer you a service to receive your religious inquiries, and the Chief Mufti, Director of the Ifta Department, Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad, will answer you.

Please send questions and inquiries by voice message via



UAE_day 0501065704, provided that the duration of the message does not exceed one minute

while preserving the privacy of the sender pic.twitter.com/1SJvrTuJVP

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) April 7, 2021