Chinanews, April 2nd. Recently, a national style youth creative program "Let's go online!"

In "Colorful Boys", the creative stage named "Start at Seven" caused the audience to move and tears.

In the show, the four teenagers play the roles of four young people who go out and struggle to show off the warm and sincere emotions between the wanderers and their families in the form of a musical.

Huang Zitao

  Two familiar melodies of "News Broadcast" and "Weather Forecast" sounded, and the "wanderers" expressed their heartfelt feelings, telling them their misses and fetters for their hometown and relatives.

After the performance, they deeply thought about and reflected on the relationship between themselves and their family through the work. The current online official Huang Zitao also recalled the past with his father from this creation, choked up several times and shed tears on the stage.

  Huang Zitao said in the program: "Father wants his son to grow up as soon as possible and take care of everything. I want to bring sunshine and more happiness to everyone. I have to do this."