Coronavirus: UV robots to eradicate viruses from airplanes -

20 Minutes

Will robotics be the salvation of the human species?

It could, in any case, be of great service to airlines which have been sticking their tongues out for several months, due to the coronavirus epidemic which is in full swing.

To try to reassure masked passengers but feverish at the idea of ​​spending more than 15 minutes next to a stranger in a pressurized cabin, a Swiss start-up called UVeya had an idea: to transpose a technology used to aviation. for fifty years in hospitals and laboratories.

Deep disinfection

For exactly thirteen minutes, a remotely controlled robot pulses ultraviolet light across an entire aisle, from the seats to the ceiling, to eliminate unwanted bacteria.

A technology called UVC, dangerous for anyone present when it is started up.

In Europe, three prototypes have been made available by Uveya, one of which has already been used to disinfect a Helvetic company aircraft at Zurich airport.


The heat and UV sensitive coronavirus, really?


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  • Covid 19

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  • 20 minutes video

  • Health

  • Robotics

  • Coronavirus