The new high school textbook released this week features programming, sovereignty education, and content that allows students to think independently and deepen their learning through dialogue, but at present, teachers who do not have an information department license More than 70% of local governments have schools that teach classes, and securing teachers and leadership are issues for the realization of new learning.

In the new high school curriculum guidelines that will be introduced next spring,

new compulsory subjects such as ▼

"Information I (Ichi)" to learn the basics of programming and

▼ "Public" including sovereign education will be added. , The new high school textbook released this week is also compatible.

It is said that the role of teachers who give lessons will increase, but regarding "information", in a survey conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology last year, local governments that have public schools where teachers who do not have an information department license teach. , Of the 19 government-designated cities excluding 47 prefectures and Sagamihara city, 48 locations and 73% were revealed.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology notified the Board of Education nationwide that it was necessary to improve the specialization of teachers and correct regional disparities, and requested the active securing of specialized teachers and the enhancement of training.

Regarding "public", sovereign education is emphasized, and classes are required to develop the ability to discuss various themes in the actual society and think about solutions. Is being created.

Under these circumstances, the new textbooks are designed to support learning by increasing the types of textbooks so that teachers can choose a computer language that is easy for them to use, and by incorporating many themes and materials that can be discussed in the public.