During saliva tests in a school in Nice.

(illustration) -


The debate on whether or not to close schools for health reasons is still raging.

While the government has hitherto always held its position of only closing them as a last resort, it is still under pressure from epidemiologists and oppositionists.

A new study, relayed by France Inter, nevertheless gives arguments to Jean-Michel Blanquer, who does not want to hear about a closure of schools.

According to the preliminary results of the VIGIL study, carried out by pediatricians on 4,000 children since June, the school plays only a minor role in the contaminations.

In nearly three-quarters of cases, it is in the family that contaminations take place, but "if we distinguish the contaminator, they are more often adults than children", says Robert Cohen, pediatrician infectious disease specialist at the intercommunal hospital of Créteil.

However, the incidence rate is exploding recently in children.

For the study supervisor, it is above all linked to the fact that more and more young people are being tested.

In short, if the circulation of the virus is increasing in schools, this is only "the reflection and not the cause" of the increase in the circulation of the virus in the rest of society, analyzes the French Pediatric Society.

The said company is also very opposed to the closure of schools.

For them the consequences would be deleterious: domestic violence, increase in social inequalities, worsening of children's mental distress.

At most, she advocates, as a last resort, the closure of colleges and high schools.


Anne Hidalgo calls for the closure of schools in the capital


Will the executive cross its "red line" by closing schools?

  • National Education

  • Society

  • Covid 19

  • school

  • Coronavirus