Shandong "Ramen Brother" unexpectedly became popular and was blocked by traffic flow

How do ordinary people break the game when they are "encircled and hunted" by traffic

  □ The reporter's trainee reporter Zhang Shoukun

  □ reporter Wang Yang

  A bowl of ramen only sells for 3 yuan, and insists on not increasing the price for 15 years-Cheng Yunfu, a farmer from Feixian County, Shandong, became popular on the Internet and was called Shandong "Ramen Brother" by netizens.

  The unprecedented attention of netizens has also caused trouble to "Ramen Brother". Every day hundreds of popular anchors surround "Ramen Brother"'s home. They live broadcast, dance, sell goods, and even sell themselves to burial. Vulgar behaviors such as "father" and "courting a spouse" prevented him from being able to sell.

  In fact, the phenomenon that ordinary people become Internet celebrities overnight and get into trouble by excessive crowds has been staged many times.

From "Brother Coat" to "Little Jack Ma", to the Baoding egg stall owner who became popular because of his resemblance to Jay Chou, many ordinary people may instantly become famous and be drawn into the traffic vortex. Many people who want to be famous also use various or even vulgar methods. The heat has seriously disturbed their daily lives.

  Experts interviewed by a reporter from the "Rules of Law" believe that in the era of the rapid development of short video platforms in the Internet celebrity economy, regardless of whether one is willing to become famous, there are "grassroots" celebrities such as "Ramen Brothers" constantly emerging.

Their legitimate rights should be protected, and some vulgar methods of chasing hot spots should also be regulated. This requires the joint efforts of the parties themselves, the anchors, short video platforms, government departments, and the entire society.

Unexpectedly popular

Excessive onlookers affect life

  After Cheng Yunfu became an Internet celebrity, he was not happy, but was under tremendous pressure.

Wu Qiang (pseudonym), a villager in Feixian County, Shandong, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that hundreds of people have surrounded the door of “Ramen Brothers” every day. Few people who courteously call him "Godfather", and few who really want to eat noodles, are all who want to get rid of the heat and flow.

  Some people say that at the door of "Brother Ramen", you can see the craziest anchors in China.

It is understood that excessive onlookers not only made Cheng Yunfu’s family unable to live normally and go to the market, but also paralyzed the traffic in the village and severely disturbed the production and life of the villagers.

  The current predicament of "Brother Ramen" is like a repeat of the popular "Brother Coat" and "Little Jack Ma".

  Various examples show that after many ordinary people inadvertently become Internet celebrities, their lives are often over-conceived. People do everything in order to monetize traffic, even including using some vulgar and infringing methods of other people's privacy.

In the era of Internet celebrities, traffic comes and goes fast, and the people who are disturbed often live in a mess, and some people's life trajectories have changed as a result.

The Internet can make people famous, but it can't make people refuse to be famous or to be watched.

  Take "Brother Ramen" as an example. Although he has repeatedly stated that he does not want to be popular and just wants to live his life, he is still "hunted" by all parties.

  Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, told the reporter of Rule of Law Daily that in the era of the Internet economy, it is difficult for ordinary people to refuse to be famous.

  "Expression on the Internet is relatively free. Generally speaking, as long as you don’t fabricate facts, infringe on other’s personal information and other personality rights, and don’t use insulting language to slander others. These two legal bottom lines serve as the basic grasp of platform management. From this perspective In other words, the platform can manage infringements and illegal acts, but it cannot control the generation and direction of public opinion." Zhu Wei said.

  Li Danlin, deputy director of the Academic Committee of the School of Cultural Industry Management of Communication University of China and dean of the Department of Law, analyzed that there are many reasons for the phenomenon of malformation. On the one hand, the public's mentality is generally more impetuous. In this case, people are vulnerable to the economy. The temptation of interest or fame is unreasonable; on the other hand, the anchors themselves and the platforms that provide them with support should also take corresponding responsibilities.

Bloggers cross-border "rub traffic"

Suspected of infringing on multiple rights

  Huang Qunhui, a copyright expert at the Intellectual Property Committee of Beijing Yinghe Law Firm and an entertainment law lawyer, told reporters from the Rule of Law Daily that the transboundary behavior of some short video bloggers may infringe many of the parties’ rights and interests.

  "For example, unauthorized use of the person’s name for publicity is suspected of infringing on the right to name; photographing, producing, using, and disclosing the person’s portrait without consent is suspected of infringing on the right of portrait; acts of insulting, slander, fictional facts to attract attention, suspected of infringing on reputation Privately broke into private houses, secretly photographed and recorded live broadcasts, etc., suspected of infringing on privacy; disclosed without authorization the identity information, address, telephone number, whereabouts of the parties, etc., suspected of infringing on the rights of personal information. If the circumstances are serious, it may violate the Public Security Administration Punishment Law and the Criminal Law Wait for relevant regulations." Huang Qunhui said.

  Huang Qunhui said that in this regard, the parties can take a variety of ways to protect their rights.

You can file a complaint to the online platform and request the platform to delete the suspected infringing content; you can report to the industry authority, such as the market supervision department, the cultural supervision department, etc.; you can request to stop the infringement, compensate for the loss, and even raise the spirit Complaints for damages; for serious infringements, you can also choose to report to the police for protection.

  Li Danlin believes that frantic rubbing hotspots will have a great negative impact.

"The first thing to bear is the peace of normal life of the parties. This kind of irrespective of content and excessive pursuit may affect the values ​​of young people and is not conducive to their physical and mental health. For the platform, this pursuit of the platform violates public order and good customs, and even violates the law. The behavior brought by the government is not legitimate economic benefits, and it may disrupt the normal order of competition."

  Li Danlin said that, on the surface, these vulgar and sensational behaviors can occasionally bring economic flow, but they are not the mainstream network economic development method.

Good economic development should enable people to live a life with a sense of dignity, happiness and security, but from the perspective of "Ramen Brother", the peace and happiness of themselves and the surrounding residents have been destroyed.

Such economic development is too costly, and it turns the cart before the horse.

Strengthen online content supervision

Improve social civilization

  From "sharp brother" to "big clothes brother", from "killing fish brother" to "little Ma Yun", how can we prevent ordinary people from being trapped by traffic and unable to live normally?

In these events, what can the anchor and short video platform do?

  Huang Qunhui believes that as far as the anchors themselves are concerned, they should strictly abide by the "Regulations on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content" and other relevant regulations to strengthen industry self-discipline.

In content creation and publishing, we pay more attention to quality and content, abandon vulgar customs, do not sensationalize, and do not create cultural garbage.

  At the beginning of this year, seven departments including the National Internet Information Office and the National Anti-Pornography and Illegal Work Group Office jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Standardized Management of Online Live Broadcasting" to urge the live broadcast platform to implement hierarchical and classified management of anchor accounts in accordance with relevant regulations. The behavior of network anchors should prevent irrational and passionate rewards and curb the chaos of commercial marketing.

With the goal of strengthening the supply of high-quality cultural products, promote the live broadcast platform to strengthen mainstream value guidance, establish a sense of correct orientation, vigorously promote the core socialist values, and effectively enhance the spiritual temperament and cultural power of the live broadcast platform "cultural people".

  Zhu Wei said that for the platform, a sense of topic is a must.

Topics bring traffic, and controversy is attention. In an era when traffic is king and monetization is rapid, the platform will use the utmost enthusiasm to complete the hotspot transformation of ordinary events, and even actively set up controversial topics by setting up hot lists and topics.

However, while pursuing economic benefits, it should abide by relevant regulations, actively assume social responsibilities, and take into account social interests.

  Li Danlin believes that, on the one hand, when registering as ordinary users and network anchors, the platform should pay more attention to users and anchors’ mastery of relevant content standards and norms, such as through regular tests, rather than simply ticking "I "Agree" "I already know"; on the other hand, the relevant content and standards should be more comprehensive. It should not only stipulate what the content should and should not be presented, but also how to correctly obtain the content.

  Experts interviewed by a reporter from the Rule of Law Daily believe that in the Internet, everyone is a production tool for traffic, or is consumed or consumed by others.

To curb the flow chaos from the root cause, not only the external supervision must keep up, but the level of internal social civilization must also be improved.

  Huang Qunhui believes that from an external perspective, relevant government departments should strengthen network supervision, especially content supervision, and further clarify the behavioral norms and liability issues of network platforms through administrative or judicial means.

Intensify punishments for illegal and illegal anchors, establish correct behavioral norms with fair judgments or administrative penalties, guide social trends, and guide netizens to continuously improve their cultural literacy.

  "From an internal point of view, the prevalence of this kind of abnormal traffic chaos shows that there is market demand, and personal attention is actually affecting the attention of live broadcast platforms and anchors. When more and more cultural consumption discrimination is improved, When consciously resisting cultural inferior products, inferior products will naturally lose the market, excellent works will naturally stand out, and creation and dissemination will be in a virtuous circle." Huang Qunhui said.

  In Li Danlin's view, the basic premise must be to enhance the inner civilization of the entire society.

"How to improve the level of social civilization still has to go back to education itself. Nowadays, some anchors' incorrect concepts and madness are closely related to the original family growth environment and school education, and many young people’s thoughts have been poisoned by this. This is not a case. The one-shot process may take decades, one generation, and two generations' efforts to reverse the unreasonable part of modern education and gradually improve the level of social civilization."