On the border between the United States and Mexico, hundreds of thousands of refugees have accumulated, which are not allowed by border guards.

"Biden, please let us in!"

- Hundreds of migrants posing for journalists from the southern side of the border are wearing white T-shirts with such inscriptions.

There are other T-shirts, like "Biden called me!", And there are a lot of them too.

This means that textile factories somewhere in China or Bangladesh received a corresponding order and payment some time ago.

“We truly believe,” the Financial Times quotes a Salvadoran refugee from a tent camp in Tijuana, “that Biden will allow us to cross [the border], that there is a refuge for us on the other side.

This is the only hope we have left. "

Many manage to break through: more than 130 thousand in February-March were detained north of the border, and how many more successful illegal immigrants disappeared into the vastness of the United States cannot be accurately calculated.

According to The Washington Times, from 800 to 1000 people (!) Cross the border unnoticed a day, who then freely move into the interior of the country.

How many of them are bandits and rapists hiding from the police of their countries, how many sick and infected with COVID-19, no one can say.

It is only clear that there are many.

There is no one to detain them, because the agents of the US Border and Customs Service, instead of performing their direct duties, are forced to “take care of the families and children” of migrants.

According to the most conservative estimates, at least 50 thousand such illegal immigrants have leaked in the United States during the two months of Biden's presidency. 

But the most painful problem is the fate of more than 16 thousand Latin American minors who crossed the border unaccompanied by adults.

They are housed in detention centers for migrant children in the border zone - most of these camps were built under Obama, but they have never been so overcrowded before.

When Trump was in the White House, the liberal press called them "concentration camps" and "cages for children."

Under Biden, who promised amnesty and legalization to illegal migrants who ended up in the United States, there were even more “cages for children” than under Trump, and there were significantly more people in them.

The Trump administration dealt with refugee children simply: they were sent back to Mexico, not allowing them to seek asylum in the United States.

Such "cruelty" caused regular writhing in the liberal press, but it worked - until in November 2020, after the elections, a federal judge blocked this practice, thereby opening a Pandora's box.

In January 2021, an appellate court overturned the liberal judge's ruling, but the Biden administration refused to deport migrant children, calling the deportation procedure "inhuman."

“Unlike the previous administration, we made a different decision,” US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mallorcas solemnly told CBS.

"We are not driving young children back into the poverty and violence they flee from."

Well, what we fought for, we ran into it.

“Monstrous overcrowding, children take turns sleeping on the floor because of the cramped space, and are deprived of the opportunity to call family members;

showers every seven days, ”lawyers from the National Center for Youth Rights describe the situation at the camp in Donna, Texas.

Lawyer Neha Desai told reporters after visiting the camp that she believes the Biden administration is committed to a "humane solution to the humanitarian situation," but only time will tell if "the good intentions and hard work of the government will lead to the changes that are so needed."

In the meantime, the US Border and Customs Service said the border detention facilities were not designed for extended stays for children.

Therefore, underage migrants will be transferred to the shelters of the Ministry of Health and Human Services "as soon as possible."

Integrate refugee children into American society as soon as possible, so that in the next phase they will be reunited with their parents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters!

That is, by any means to achieve one of the main goals of the Democrats - the naturalization of millions of migrants from the underdeveloped countries of Central and South America (they call the figure 11 million), which should become a powerful help to the Democratic Party in all subsequent elections (after all, they are going to be allowed to vote!).

What will become of the country, with its civilizational identity, the successors of B.Kh.

Obama, entrenched in the White House, does not care.

However, not everyone in America agrees that the changes brought about by the Biden administration are really necessary for it.

Although members of the media are not allowed into places of detention of migrants by order of the Department of Homeland Security, a week ago, James O'Keefe of Project Veritas posted photos taken at one of the border detention centers for migrant children online.

On the same day, the Rasmussen poll was published, showing that the majority of those surveyed (with the exception of very hard-core liberals) believe that the border crisis was caused by "President Biden himself ... with his rhetoric and his policies." 

Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhof has submitted a resolution to the upper house of Congress stating that the current influx of migrants to the US southern border is a crisis requiring immediate resolution.

“It is obvious to almost everyone outside of Washington that the situation on our southern border is a crisis.

I can't believe someone doesn't consider this a crisis, ”Inhof said.

- But there are those who will answer that this is not a crisis.

President Biden and the Secretary of Homeland Security refuse to call it a crisis.

They call it a challenge.

But this is not a challenge.

This is a crisis. "

Democrats blocked the Inhof resolution, but Republican senators who supported it said they would travel to the border to assess the situation on the spot.

There were some adventures here.

When Senator Ted Cruz from Texas tried to film the situation in the very Donna camp, which was freely visited by liberal lawyers, on his smartphone, he was ... not allowed to do it!

The senator's path was blocked by a fragile Hispanic girl in an antique mask.

Tragically flashing black eyes, she then closed his camera with her palm, then pressed her hand to her heart - and to all the persuasions of Cruz, like an automaton, she repeated: "Respect the dignity of these people ... Respect the dignity of these people."

Meanwhile, the people whose dignity she defended lay close to each other on sports mats under foil blankets, vividly recalling shots from Hollywood disaster films.

“It was the worst thing I've seen,” Cruise told Fox News.

The tent camp in Donna is designed for a thousand people, but in the context of a pandemic, taking into account social distance, its capacity is officially 250 people.

On the day that Senator Cruz was there, 4,000 children were held in the camp, at least 10% of them were infected with the coronavirus. 

It is not surprising that Bayden's administration does not allow journalists to enter the camps - an impartial report from one such "cage for children" can seriously shake even those well-meaning citizens who still believe in the good intentions of the Democrats.

And it is becoming more and more difficult to keep silent about this situation, even if the Biden administration is based on the extremely loyal media.

Opinion polls show that Americans do not think about the situation at the border in the way that the Democrats would like.

According to the latest poll conducted by the ABC channel, the majority of Americans (54%) describe the situation on the US-Mexico border as a crisis.

And a whopping 57% blame Biden for it.

This is where the fun begins.

On March 24, Joe Biden formally asked Vice President Kamala Harris to pressure the governments of Mexico and Central America to block the transit of refugees to the borders of the United States.

Under the television cameras - the story was broadcast throughout the country - the phrase was pronounced: "The Vice President ... agreed to lead our diplomatic efforts and work with these countries to ... strengthen measures to combat migration on their borders - on their borders" ( "Their borders" Biden repeated twice, emphasizing these words in his voice).

On March 26, Kamala Harris' office corrected Joe's grandfather. 

“The President asked the Vice President to take on diplomatic efforts to work with Mexico and the countries of the Northern Triangle (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador -


) to address the root causes of migration,” said Kamala's senior adviser and spokeswoman Simon Sanders.

"There are many reasons for these people to make this dangerous journey."

The difference, as they say, is small, but significant.

"The vice president's astounding public refusal to comply with his president's orders," commented Sanders Ken Cuccinelli, Trump's undersecretary of homeland security.

"I can’t remember that this has happened before."

(Cuccinelli used the word dismissal, which, depending on the context, can mean either “dismissal” or “dismissal.” That's a pretty thick hint.)

On my own behalf, I will add: Biden was not even pointed out in his place by Mrs. Vice President herself, but by her press secretary, a dark-skinned lady of 32 years old with a very correct profile (her mother was an activist of the black movement and director of the Museum of the History of the African American Population of the Great Plains ).

Equally important is the fact that before joining Harris, Sanders was the press secretary of her namesake Bernie Sanders.

That is, very, very left.

Further - even more fun.

A spokeswoman for the vice president said Harris has made "several calls" about the matter, but is not planning any trips to the border in the near future.

“This is not a job that can be done overnight,” Sanders explained.

“She (Harris) can be expected to speak with the leaders of the region in the near future,” she added.


Biden, for all his weak adequacy, nevertheless realized that the Pandora's box opened by him threatened the country with great upheavals.

But Vice President Harris has made it clear that she will not do anything to restrict migration.

Well, maybe call some of the Central American presidents.

Or maybe not.

And if he does call, he will not be talking about how to stop the flow of refugees to the US border, but about how to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in El Salvador ...

In 2019, Donald Trump brushed aside his cautious advisers and threatened the Mexican president to freeze all trade deals between the two countries.

Very soon, the Mexican government committed itself to detaining caravans of migrants, and also allowed the United States to send migrants back to Mexico to await the decision of the American courts to grant them asylum. 

This policy, called "Stay in Mexico", dramatically reduced the traffic of illegal immigrants, as it deprived migrants of the opportunity to work in the United States, and therefore, the high (by their standards) earnings necessary to settle accounts with gangs organizing the clandestine import of refugees to the States.

The cost of moving is $ 4000-6000 per person.

Multiply these numbers by a hundred thousand detainees in February alone - you get $ 600 million a month.

Serious business.

In 2019-2020, the Trump administration entered into anti-immigration treaties with the governments of Central American states that allowed the United States to expel illegal migrants back to their home countries in cases where the courts refused them asylum (that is, almost always).

Biden's advisers on migration issues (primarily Alejandro Mallorcas's vetted "Obama shot") canceled the Stay in Mexico program first and broke treaties with Central American countries.

Now it is clear why. 

“We, as a nation, are involved in human trafficking,” said Lindsay Graham, one of the Republican senators visiting the border.

At the press conference, Graham told the amazing things that the senators found out during their brief excursion to the border: it turns out that there is a trail on the American side of the border with signs set by the federal government that tell illegal migrants where they should go.

And the "coyotes" - carriers of illegal migrants - boast of their "cross-border cooperation" with federal agents of the Biden ministries.

“We bring the children to the immigration office, and its agents are responsible for bringing (the children) to their family members in the United States,” one Guatemalan coyote told Reuters.

All of this is very similar to the corrupt bond of democratic politicians in Washington and Central American gangster syndicates.

And this is not an exaggeration or invention of "Russian propaganda".

I literally quote Twitter from one of the Washington independent journalists who has long been involved in illegal migration, Neil Munroe: “Lindsay Graham admitted that it has long been no secret in DC: the US government (especially the Democrats) is“ complicit ”in the transfer of delivered by“ coyotes ” children to their parents - illegal migrants throughout the United States. 

And yes, the cartels get their share of the profits. "

It is very convenient: both ideologically correct (Harris and the left-liberal wing of the Democratic Party are closely watching this), and profitable!

And even if Zitz President Biden suddenly wakes up and says something about the need to “limit migration by humane means,” the shadow bosses will gently but adamantly correct him.

As it happened last week.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.